Chapter Three

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The next day I woke up around noon. I showered, then put on a pair sweats & put my hair in a messy bun. After that I went downstairs and fixed my self cereal.

I remember the night before mom mentioned something about the neighbors throwing us a welcome party. The party was at 3 so I had a few hours to kill, I decided to go upstairs & watch "The Vampire Diaries" on Netflix.

"Kobe & Sierra, we are leaving in 10 minutes!" Mom yelled from down stairs. We walked to the house in front of us and rang the door bell, a lady answered. "Hi! Welcome!" she smiled, "my name is Esther, please come in!" she seemed like she was really friendly. "Hello, I'm Kelly, this is my husband Damian & our two kids Sierra & Kobe." we all waved. "Hey.." Kobe & I both said. We followed our parents around the party for a while, "Excuse me, Where's the restroom?" I asked Esther. "Upstairs second door on your right." She told me. "Okay, thanks!" I smiled.

I walked upstairs & I heard someone singing. The door was opened a bit so I stood there & listened. I couldn't see his face because he was facing away from the door, but he sounded amazing.

I accidentally coughed & he turned around, i quickly turned around so he wouldn't see me, but i wasn't quick enough. "What's up?" I froze & turned around "Um, Sorry for uh interrupting you, i was looking for the restroom.." i nervously smiled, hoping he couldn't see how embarrass i was. The more i stared at him the more he looked familiar.

"It's across the hall." He pointed behind me. "Oh, thanks!" I said. When I got out he was standing against the wall. "Ouch, i didn't think it would bruise" he laughed to him self. "Huh?" I asked confused. "I'm the one who hit you with the ball" He said pointing at my bruise. "Oh yeah! It looks worse than it is." I lied. "Oh that's good, I'm still really sorry." He apologized, once again.

I began to walk down the stairs when he stopped me, "Wait up!" he yelled. "I'm Daniel."

I stopped & turned around, "I'm Sierra."

"The party seems pretty lame, wanna chill in my room?" He asked. I thought about it for a second then nodded my head in agreement.

Daniel sat in his bed & i sat on the bean bag chair. "Where are you from?" He asked. "Texas." i said. "That's cool, Welcome to Florida! Now that we are neighbors you'll be seeing me a lot." He smirked. "I guess so." I smiled.

We hung out for a while until it was time for me to go. "It was fun hanging out! We should do this again." I began to get up. "Leaving so soon?" He frowned. "Yeah, sorry. It's kind of late and my parents texted me" I began to head to the door.

"Before you go, what's your number?" He sat there smiling. I gave Daniel my number then went home. Once i got home i showered then saw i had a text.

D - Hey, it's Daniel
S - Hey!
D - Do me a favor, look out your window.
S- Um, okay?

I looked out the window I could see his room. He was jumping up and down waving, which made me laugh.

D - Now we can see each other!
S - Haha, yeah.
D - Today was fun, we should definitely hang out again! 
S - It was, thank you for hanging out with me! Goodnight, Daniel.

As every other curious girl would do, i looked up Daniel on every social media platform. I was shocked when i came across fan pages of him, & i was ever more shocked once i saw his followers count. He had over 1 million! I mean i knew he had an amazing voice but i would've never imagined he was a social media star!

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