Chapter Twenty-One

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We arrived at party city, our budget was $80 so we all split up & looked for decorations. Our theme was sparkly silver, the basic New Years theme everyone has. Daniel was annoyed lately so I didn't even try to talk to him. I grabbed Sam's hand, "come with me!" I said then I pulled him into the balloons section. "So this party has to be perfect. Get 6 bags of silver balloons & 6 bags of the New Years balloons." I said. "I don't understand why this is such a big deal, but okay." He laughed. Within an hour we bought everything. We went to the bakery & ordered a cake, but it wouldn't be delivered until tomorrow. After that we went to an Italian restaurant for lunch. Of course Daniel & I ordered out favorite food, spaghetti. "I'll be back, i'm going to the restroom." Esther said. "Yeah I am too. Be back in a second." Sam followed behind.

Daniel & I just sat there in silence. "Why do you hate me?" I asked him. He looked at me confused, "I don't hate you." he said. "Well you haven't really talked to me since my birthday. Also you always seem annoyed." I told him. "Well I'm annoyed because Sam is all over you, the only reason I don't say anything is because he'll get defensive." Daniel said. "Well I'm sorry. It's just he's been the only who's actually been willing to listen to me. Can we please just start over? As friends. Just forget about the past, & have a fresh start?" I asked him, I really wanted this to work. He swirled his straw around for a few seconds before responding. "Yes, i don't want to have anymore problems. I don't like arguing with you." he seemed sad. "From now on it's a clean start. As friends, nothing else." I said. "Before you find out from someone els, this morning when I disappeared, I went to see Grace." Daniel told me. "Okay, that's fine. You don't have to tell me that. You can do what ever you want. We are just friends." I reminded him.

Sam & Ester returned to the table. "You two had fun while we were gone?" Sam asked. "Oh yeah, so much fun!" I said sarcastically. Sam laughed, I never realized how cute his smile was.

Our food arrived, & after lunch we headed back home. When we arrived at Daniels house it was around 3pm. We helped Esther set up the whole house. "I literally can't wait for tomorrow. This has been the first time I've helped throw a party." I said excitedly. "I can't wait for tomorrow either." Sam said. I smiled & began blowing up balloons. Now that Daniel & I have a fresh start, he's not so negative anymore, I like it. "After we set everything up, can we go for a walk, Daniel? Just us two, sorry Sam." I said. "Yeah that sounds great!" He smiled. We set everything up within an hour & began cooking the food. "Sam & I can handle this, you two go on your walk." Esther smiled.

We took a walk to the beach. "Ready for tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess." He replied. "Okay stop." I said. "What?" He asked confused. "Stop acting like this. Where's the old daniel, the one who was nice & happy all the time? You're so serious & quiet now." I couldn't handle it anymore. "I know that I did the same thing as you, & now I know how much it hurt you. I can't just start fresh, & pretend like us didn't happen. To top it all off my best friend likes you so that's awesome." He walked away. "What do you mean your best friend likes me?" I asked confused. "Are you that oblivious? It's so obvious Sam likes you. I see the way he looks at you & acts around you. He's never done that around another girl. Plus I'm starting to think you're falling for him too. I'm going home, see you later." He left me standing there alone. I was shocked this really affected him more than i thought, & Sam has been the only person there for me, we've just formed a close friendship.

I walked along the beach for a while longer before heading home just to clear my head & think. "Sierra there you are! Daniel didn't feel well he's resting upstairs." Esther said. "Oh that's good, I mean not the feeling bad part, the resting part. Where's Sam!?" I asked her. "In the back yard." She replied. "Okay thank." I said then walked to the back yard. "So how was your walk?" Sam asked. "Bad. He hasn't forgiven me, also he's got this stupid theory stuck in his head. It's quite funny actually." I laughed to my self. "Oh really? What is it?" he asked. "Okay so he thinks that you like me, as more than friends. Isn't that crazy?" I said. "Yeah. That's so crazy." He laughed a little. "I'm getting quite tired, i think i'm going to sleep. Goodnight." I said then went to bed.


I woke up the next day to a text from Grace.

G- hey!!
D- hey, what's up?
G- My flight got cancelled, I guess I'm here until Sunday now.
D- really, what are you doing tonight?
G-  Nothing. Probably just going to just watch fire works at the beach.
D- We are having a party at my house tonight, you're invited if you want to come.
G- what about Sierra?
D- we are good now.
G- Okay. I guess i'll go!
D- I can't wait to see you! party starts at 4.

I got up & showered then headed downstairs. Sierra & Sam were in the kitchen eating, "Are you ready for tonight?" Sierra asked me. "Yeah. I invited Grace" I told her. "Okay. But I thought she went back home?" she had a confused look on her face. "Her flight got cancelled." I said. "Damn that sucks." She said sarcastically. "Just please don't start anything." I begged. "I won't. I'll too busy helping Sam meet new people." Sierra said then she went back upstairs. "Nice move, if you want to be in good terms don't invite people she doesn't like" Sam placed his plate in the sink "It's my party, & Grace is my best friend. I can invite her if I want." I said to Sam. "Best friends, huh? Guess I'm replaced." he said then walked upstairs. I ate my breakfast in silence then helped my mom cook the rest of the food.


I can't believe Daniel invited Grace, It bothered me but i know i have no say in it. Sam walked into the room kinda annoyed. "What happened?" I asked him. "Seems that Grace is Daniels best friend now. Guess he doesn't need me anymore." Sam said. "That's not true, & just between us you're the cuter one." I laughed. "You think so?" He looked in the mirror & smirked. "I do think so." I smiled.

Sam decided that he wanted to sing his new son "wassup" at the party tonight, so he practice until the guest got here. Once they began to arrive we headed downstairs & introduced Sam to everyone. They all seemed to really like him. "This is great, now you'll meet a lot of people from school!" I was excited for him. "thank you for helping me." He kissed my cheek. Sam grabbed my hand & pulled me into the guest room. "So I heard your birthday was last week." Sam said. "it was." i told him. "I bought you this." he pulled out a white box. "You didn't have to get me a present." I insisted. "I wanted to. Can I put it on you?" He asked me. He opened the box & it was a necklace with a rhinestone S. "It's so pretty, thank you." I gave him a hug, then he put it on me. I walked out of the room & bumped into Grace. "Oh sorry Sierra." She said. I gave her a dirty look & walked away, Sam followed. "Was that-" he began to say. "Yes." I cut him off. "You're way prettier than her, if Daniel likes her then he's stupid." Sam said. "Thanks. Well it's almost 11:30.. Do you want to sing your song now?" I asked him. "Sure." He said.

We walked to the back yard & I grabbed the microphone. "Thank you everyone for coming. My friend is going to sing his song "wassup." So please give a warm welcome to Sam Wilkerson!!" I yelled into the mic. Everyone cheered & Sam came out on the patio. Sams song is great & he sang it great live, considering Skate wasn't here to sing with him. He thanked everyone then came back inside. "You did so good! Everyone at school is going to be jealous of you!" I smiled. "Haha, thank you! You've made this week 100x better, I'm glad we met." He hugged me. "Okay well there's 10 minutes until the new year! So let's go put our swim suits on so we can go in the pool." I said as I ran upstairs. "The pool? In December...?" He asked. "It's heated." I screamed. Sam followed me upstairs & changed into his swim trunks.

When we walked downstairs there was 2 minutes left until the new year, so we headed outside with everyone else. "3 ... 2 ... 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Everyone cheered. Just then Sam pulled me in & kissed me. It took me by surprise so i grabbed his hand & pulled him into the kitchen. "What the heck was that, Sam? Daniel could have seen us!" I was panicking, i didn't want to argue with Daniel again. "I really like you Sierra & who cares you even told me he knew already." Sam leaned in to kiss me again. I kissed him back, but quickly moved away. "Someone could have seen us tho. I don't want anyone to know." I told him. I heard the door open, i was Daniel. "What are you two doing?" He asked. "We came in to get a drink. Happy New Years!" I told him then gave him a hug. Grace walked in after him, "come on Daniel, let's go in the pool- oh sorry.. I didn't mean to-" I interrupted her before she finished. "It's fine. Go Daniel, have fun." I smiled at them before Grace pulled him back outside. "Follow me." I whispered to Sam. We walked to the guest room & I locked the door. Sam pushed me against the wall & began kissing me, I didn't pull away I kissed him back. His kisses slowly started going down my neck & he took the cover up i had on off.

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