Chapter Twenty-Four

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We arrived at my house, & no one was home, except for Kobe. Sam & I decided to go upstairs to do homework. We began doing our algebra when my phone went off, it was a text from Daniel.

D- can you come to the beach?
S- right now?
D- yeah, or when ever you can.
S- be there in 30 min.
D- okay, see you there.

I turned off my phone then sighed. "Are you okay?" Sam asked. "I'm fine. Daniel wants me to meet him at the beach." I said. "Are you going to?" He asked me. "Yeah I think it's time I should tell him about us." I said. "You should. Well I'm going to study in my room, good luck." He said then kissed me. I took a quick shower then changed into joggers & a loose t-shirt.

I penny boarded to the beach & saw Daniel. "Hey" I said. "Hey, sit." He said, patting the sand next to him. I sat down, & began shivering. "Are you cold?" He asked. "A little." I said. He handed me a blanket he brought. "Thank you." I wrapped my self with it. "Is there a reason you wanted to meet up?" I asked. "Remember when we first met & I hit you with the ball.." He said. "Yes, I still have the scar." I said laughing. "You do? I'm really sorry about that." He said. "Is okay, it didn't hurt that bad." I lied again. "It wasn't an accident, I hit you on purpose." He told me. I just looked at him confused. "I didn't mean to hit your head, I was just trying to get your attention." He said. "You were?" I asked. "Sierra, I've loved you since the moment I saw you." He told me. Daniel leaned in & tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away. "I'm with Sam." I blurted out. Daniel backed up & looked at me. "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want you to hate me." I said. "Since when?" He asked. "New Years.. I'm really sorry Daniel." my eyes began to water. "I have to go, bye Sierra." He got up & walked away. I could see the sadness in his face.

I decided to walk around for a bit, then realized I still had Daniels blanket. I went to his house to drop it off . I rang the door bell & Robert opened. "Oh hey!" He hugged me. I hugged him back, "here's Daniel blanket." I handed it to him. "Come in." He said as he took it. "No, i just came to bring him that. See you later." I said. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yeah, bye." I said then began waking home but turned around before Robert closed the door. "Wait! Can you also tell him I'm really sorry." I tried not to sound sad. "Um yeah. I'll tell him." He gave me a weak smile. "Thank you." I said then walked home.

"Did you tell him?" Sam asked. "Yeah." I said, then hugged him. "What did he say?" he asked me. "Nothing. He told me he had to go, then he just left." I said. It was time for dinner so we went downstairs to eat. "So Sam, you're turning 16 soon, & your parents said that we can take you to take your test to see if you can get your license!" My told Sam. "Wait are you serious!? When can I take the test?" He asked. "Well we called the driving school & they said that you can come in next week." my mom  smiled. "That's awesome! Thank you." He said. "Now you can take me places!" Kobe said. "No! He can only have Sierra in the car." My mom said. "Sorry Kobe, if I could I would!" Sam frowned. "Mom, Dad, could I tell you something?" I asked them. "Of course." They both said. "I know this is probably a shock to you both. But," I glared at Sam, "Sam & I are dating!" I blurted. "Really? That's great, honey. I'm happy for you both!" My mom said. "I'm happy for you both, as well." Dad said. I smiled, I was happy that my family supported this.

After dinner Sam and I went upstairs to finish the rest of our homework. "Glad we don't have to hide it now." Sam said. "Yeah me too!" I said, then kissed him. I went on Twitter and posted a picture of Sam & I. "It's official  Sammy boy is mine!" I captioned it. I immediately got responses asking about Daniel. I didn't want anymore problems so I tweeted, "Daniel & I are still friends, don't worry!" I was hoping that was still true since he just walked away from me when I told him.

Months later

This week was spring break & I was so excited! I was going to fly to Omaha with Sammy & Daniel. We spent the night at Daniel house, because his mom was gonna take us to the airport in the morning. "I haven't seen you guys in forever!" Robert hugged me. "I know! I missed you!" I said. "Daniels upstairs in his room." Esther said. Sam & I walked upstairs, we hadn't talked to Daniel that much since I told him about Sam & I. "Hey, how've you been?" I asked as I walked in. "Hey. I've been, busy." He said, then continued packing. "What happened to Grace?" Sam asked. "She went back home. She's not returning." Daniel said. "Oh. Do you need help packing?" I asked him. "No. I'm fine. You two can go do what ever you want." He said. It was late so we decided to catch up with Robert in his room. "So what time does the plane leave?" He asked us. "3am." I told him. "Guessing you are gonna do an all nighter?" He asked. "i'm going to try." Sam said. "So what's been happening these past months?" He asked. "Well, Sam got his license. Oh, & Kobe got a girlfriend!" I laughed. "Aw really? That's cute" he smiled. "Haha yeah. Our three month anniversary was yesterday! That's pretty much all." I said. "Well that's great. Daniel really misses you two, I think this trip will be good for you guys to get close again." he said. "It doesn't really seem like he does." Sam told him. "I know it doesn't, but he does." He assured us. There was silence for a minute. " Do you mind if I nap in your super comfortable bed?" I asked him. "No, not at all. Go ahead" he smiled. I laid down & fell asleep.

In what felt like seconds I was awaken by Sam. "Wake up." Sam whisperer in my ear. I got up then took my bags to Esther's car. She drove us to the airport & we boarded the plane shorty after. I decided to sit next to Daniel, so I could talk to him. "Are you still mad that I'm dating Sam?" I asked him. "No. I was never mad." He said. "Okay." I grabbed his hand & smiled, "We are still best friends right?" I asked him. "Sierra you didn't call, or text me for two months." He said. "I know, I'm sorry. I-" I began to say until he cut me off. "I still love you. I'm never going to not love you." He said. I let go of his hand, "I still wear this everyday." I told him as I took out the heart 'S&D' necklace he gave me on my birthday. He looked at me & smiled, "I thought you put that away or something." He said. "Of course not! Although we aren't dating I still wear this because you are my best friend." i told him.

We slept the rest of they way there. When we arrived at the airport Sam's parents where waiting. "Sam I missed you!" His mom screamed, then hugged him. "Missed you too!" He said, then hugged her tighter. "you must be Sierra! It's so nice to finally meet you." She said, then hugged me. "You too!" I smiled. "Wow Sam. You did good." His dad smiled. Sam just smiled & laughed awkwardly. "Hey Daniel haven't seen you in a long time!" His mom said then hugged him also. We all got into Mrs.Wilkson car & headed to Sams house. Let this week commence.

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