Chapter Sixteen

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Grace ran up to me & tried to kissed me. I pushed her away, "Grace? What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked at me confused. "What is she doing here?" Grace asked. "We are dating again." Sierra told her. Grace backed away, "I didn't know, I'll leave now." She said then walked out. "Grace wait!" I ran after her. "You're still my best friend." I grabbed her hand. "You know I like you more than friends." She told me. "I'm sorry. Friends is the only thing we can be." I told her then she walked away. I felt horrible.

I walked back into my house. "Sorry about that, Sierra." I said then kissed her. "It's fine she'll get over it." Sierra said. "Daniel why don't you invite all your friends over for dinner? Sierra, Matt & Grace." My mom asked. "I don't think that's a great idea." i told her. "It would be fun!" She replied. "i guess." I pulled my phone out and texted Grace. "Do you & Matt want to come over for dinner?" I was hoping she would say no but that wasn't the case.

Sierra & I headed to the hot tub as planned before Grace decided to show up. We chilled in there for a bit, then we went up to my room to get changed out of our swim suits. After that went downstairs & the bell rang. I opened the door, Matt & Grace were standing there. "Hey, come in." I was ready for the awkwardness to begin.

We all sat down for dinner. "Next week is spring break & i was wondering if you would all like to join us on a cruise." my mom asked them. Everyone looked at each other but didn't say anything, "Please, it's going to be fun! It's already paid for also." I begged them to say yes. "I mean I'll have to ask my parents but I'm sure they'll say yes." Grace smiled. "Great!" I said, "what about you Sierra?" She looked at matt then Grace & lastly me, "You know my parents will say yes!" She said excitedly. "We leave tomorrow, it would be better for you all to spend the night" I told them. They all said okay, after dinner they went home & returned with suitcases. "Guessing that's a yes?" I asked Grace. "yup." she smiled. "I'm really happy you two are coming. I mean my girlfriend, my best friend & my girlfriends best friend all together for one week! This will be a blast!!" I really wanted us all to get along.

We all slept at my house then took a plane to Miami. In the afternoon we boarded the ship. Our room had 2 beds, "Sierra & I will share a bed, Matt & Grace you two can share the other one." By the look on their face you could tell they didn't like that idea, but they had no choice. We decided to go to the teenagers club. We danced & had fun, hopefully by the end of this cruise there is no tension between us.


We all laid down to sleep. At around midnight I could see Matt was on his phone so I decided to text him.

S- hey Matt. You awake?
M- yeah. Can't sleep!
S- wanna go for a walk? Maybe swim?
M- sure just try not to wake anyone up.

We both got up & put our swim suits on. We walked around the ship for a while then went to the pool. I pushed him in & he pulled me with him. "Matt!!" I screamed. "Thought you wanted to have fun?" He said as he pulled me in for a kiss. "No Matt stop. I'm with Daniel" I got out of the pool & put my cover up on. "I'm sorry, i thought you wanted to." He begged me to go back in, but I walked back to the room. I changed into pajamas & laid back in bed.

"Where did you go?" Daniel asked in his sleepy voice. "I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk." He kissed me then went back to sleep. I heard matt come back a few minutes later. I wish he hadn't done that, It's just going to make things more awkward.

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