Chapter 3- No more school and off to Australia!

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( Julies P.O.V )

Since today is the last day of classes me and my class is on our way to Australia I can't wait!!!

Some of my classmates won't stop talking about some band called Five Seconds of Summer or some people call the 5sauce I think its funny how they over react, they act like we'll see them which is some what impossible.

(At airport)

Now we are at the airport ready to board our plane whoever I sit by should know I want the window seat :p the window seat is the best spot on the plane.

(On the plane)

Okay so now we are on the plane and oh lucky me I get to sit by Justin yay for me...not

"Oh look at who it is its the whore. Well isn't it nice to be sitting next to you" Justin said as he takes the seat next to me I just groan and roll my eyes, I took out my Samsung Galaxy s6 and started listening to my normal music which is Falling in Reverse, the song 'The Drug in me is You' is on and I started humming along then I hear Justin say

"The whore can't even sing ha she's so fucking lame."

(Finally in Australia)

Yes finally after that long ass plane ride we are finally here and I think I already see some cute guys over by the seats one of them has brown hair and is wearing a headband, one has black hair and is wearing a snapback, one of them has red hair, and the last one has blondish brownish hair and a lip piercing.

The guy with the lip piercing turned around and saw me looking at him and I turned quickly and blushed I probably looked like shit fro mthe plane ride but fuck it.

(At the hotel)

When we arrived at the hotel we got our rooms keys and went to our rooms I shared a room with a new student I believe her name is Erika I believe so, I wonder if she would want to be my friend she probably won't want to cause I get bullied.

"Hey Erika do you wanna go shopping with me?" I asked Erika she nodded in response

(At the mall)

When me and Erika arrived at the mall I saw the same four boys that I saw at the airport weird.

Are they like following me or something???

The same boy with the piercing looked at me and tapped his friend the one with brown hair and bandana on an he looked at Erika I believe.

Then they started walking towards me and erika, when they stopped in front of us I talked to them.

"Uhm Hi" I said Roth our boys they just stared at me I shock

"You seriously don't know us do you?" The one with the bandana on I just gave him a look

"No... Am I supposed to know you or something???"

"Have you ever heard o he and Five Seconds of Summer?"the one with ed hair asked

"Yeah I have from my classmates but I've ever actualy known you guys I n eve listen o our music so" the boys just stared at me like I was nuts.

"Well mates let's introduce ourselves shall we" the one with the lip piercing said

"Okay well I'm Luke" the one with he lip piercing said

"I'm Ashton" the one with the bandana said

"I'm Calum" the one with black hair said

"And I'm Michael" the one with re hair said

I just noddedan said

"My name is Julie an this is Erika" I said pointing to Erika.


Okay so i hope you enjoy this long ass chapter so I'll make another one tomorrow..

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