Chapter 10- I kissed Julie

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(Luke's POV)

When me and the guys got back home I texted Julie

L- Hey Jules

J- Hey Lucus

L- I miss you already

J- You just saw me like not even and hour ago

L- But still I miss your beautiful face

J- Luke stahp you're making me blush

L- But its true you have a beautiful face especially your lips

J- If you like my lips so much why don't you kiss them

L- Because you won't let me

J- Hey I'm not stopping

As soon as she said that I said


J- Okay see you soon

I didn't respond because I was already in the car driving.
I finally got to her hotel and got to her floor and I knocked and when she opened the door I kissed her.

Holy shit she's kissing me back after a couple minutes she stopped and I said

"Why did you stop"

"Because I don't wanna fuck someone I just met"

"Well you better tell that to my penguin"

"Luke don't tell me you got a boner just from kissing me" I nodded my head yes really slow

"What am I gonna do to you luke"

"Okay you could help me with my boner or I could give me the hand job"

"Luke I'm not gonna give you a BJ so I think you should give yourself a hand job" she said I frowned and walked out the door

"BYE LUKE" Julie screamed I just gave her a wave and kept walking and went back to the hotel where we were staying at.


Hey guys hoped you enjoyed, I will update again later tonight and as always love you guys to pieces.

Guys imma do a Q AND A so just write me a question In the comments and I'll answer them at the end of a mother chapter. You can ask me any question that you want but not personal one like where I go to school at or my address. Thank you guys so much I love you all Muah

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