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seokjin walked into his apartment, hand wrapped around namjoon's. he was quiet peeking around the corner looking for taehyung. his heart clenched at the sound of sniffles and muffled sobs coming from the living room. he looked back at namjoon with a sad smile. the two walked in earning the attention from a sad taehyung.

"hey tae, are you okay?" seokjin asked while stepping onto the small nest of covers taehyung had made. this was a usual thing for him, every time he stayed, weather it'd be a good reason or bad. he'd always gather every cover in seokjin's apartment and cuddle up on the floor in the living room.

"i told him." taehyung mumbled, eyes red and puffy staring at seokjin. seokjin was slightly confused on what he could have told him, he knew 7 times out of 10 what the argument was about but he had no clue what he told him.

"what did you tell him tae?" seokjin asked, settling down next to taehyung.

"that i know about the other times he cheated on me. i also told him i wanted have kids but he said no and i got mad and bought up lisa and it's my fault and i don't know what to do." taehyung cried out, breaking into a sob. seokjin wrapped his arms around taehyung consoling the crying male. namjoon stood awkwardly next to the sofa, finding it weird to see taehyung cry. he's never even seen the man angry before let alone sad. he actually felt hurt watching taehyung cry and be sad since the boy was the main one welcoming him with open arms.

"joonie, can you go grab me some napkins please." seokjin asked looking up at namjoon who stood up stiffly near the couch. he looked over at taehyung whos eyes were wet and red with tears. he nodded softly before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a few napkins. soon enough they were in seokjin's hands as he dried the tears away.

"tae tae, baby please breathe. it's okay, i understand you're both going through something right now. i know you hate hearing it but i think you two need counseling. y'all both clearly aren't over that whole situation and need some outside help, especially if you two plan on having kids together." seokjin said softly towards taehyung, taehyung nodded softly, knowing seokjin was right. he truly was never over jungkook cheating on him back then though them breaking up for like 3 years did help heal some open wounds it didn't completely erase the pain and hurt he went through back then.

they were both wrong though, they both still lied to each other and kept things hidden. example one, taehyung still communicating with bogum any chance he gets. though he knows he wouldn't even think about cheating on jungkook with bogum again, it's still the fact that he lied about not speaking to him anymore that shows that they hadn't made too much growth through out the years. jungkook also lied about not speaking with lisa anymore as well but it took taehyung finding out from someone else for him to find this information out.

soon enough, taehyung had finally stopped crying and was now wrapped up in blankets staring into space. it was really late out and seokjin and namjoon were already in seokjin's room asleep together. he sighed softly each time his mind whispered jungkook's name to him. he always had a hard time sleeping and jungkook helped with that tremendously but since he obviously wasn't with jungkook, sleeping was going to be scarce sadly.

the door to seokjin's room creaked open and taehyung's head snapped towards the direction of the door. namjoon walked down the hallway towards the kitchen shirtless and still bandaged up from the gun shot that grazed him. taehyung looked away from namjoon when namjoon noticed him still up and wide awake.

"what are you still doing up? it's really late." namjoon said, stopping on the opposite end of the couch from where taehyung sat.

"i can't really sleep with out jungkook, or without someone next to me in general." taehyung mumbled softly, slightly embarrassed. namjoon nodded softly before walking into the kitchen leaving taehyung. namjoon raked his mind, he felt bad for the boy but with the way he was crying earlier there was a chance he could have gotten sick and he obviously needed rest. he didn't like the thought of just leaving him alone to stay up until the sun rises so he stopped once again at the foot of the couch, eyes staring at seokjin's door.

"fuck it," namjoon mumbled. "would you like me to stay with you until you fall asleep?" taehyung eyes lit up at this, a huge boxy grin was stapled to his face as he jumped up off the couch and grabbed namjoon. he pulled the older male into seokjin's guest room and jumped into bed. namjoon smiled softly before getting into the bed next to taehyung. they both kept their space out of respect for each other and their partners, though namjoon doubts seokjin would care too much if taehyung did cuddle him, at least for this night.

"thank you namjoon, i know we don't know each other that well but you're actually really sweet. i really appreciate you doing this for me." taehyung said softly, moving closer towards namjoon. namjoon smiled softly moving his arm to where it was wrapped around taehyung. soon enough taehyung was fast asleep snuggled into namjoon's side.

namjoon sighed softly closing his eyes wanting to go back so sleep. a few minutes had passed and as he was dozing off back into slumber, he heard the slightest call for jungkook before taehyung gripped his shirt in his sleep. his heart was heavy for the younger but there wasn't much he could do, so he softly held taehyung as he slept, offering just a little bit of peace and comfort.

hours passed and the sun peaked through the blinds shining brightly on seokjin's face. he groaned slightly while reaching out for namjoon only to find an empty space next to him. he got up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. running his fingers through his pink hair he made his way towards the door opening it. he walked by the guest room door only to see namjoon in bed with taehyung both asleep with taehyung cuddled into his side.

he smiled softly at the sight, remembering immediately how taehyung struggled with sleeping alone. he pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, quickly sending it to their group chat.

"did you just take a picture of us?" namjoon said, eyes still halfway closed, hand softly caressing taehyung fluffy brown hair. seokjin smiled warmly before climbing into bed with the other two. taehyung was still in a deep sleep since he had went to sleep so late, and waking him up was like trying to take a piece of candy out of a child's hand, it just wasn't going to happen.

"is this how it's going to be with our own child?" namjoon asked while looking down at taehyung who looked slightly like an overgrown toddler with the way he clung to namjoon's side. seokjin smiled softly at the thought of them having their own child together.

"maybe?" seokjin mused. "i want a girl." namjoon lit up at this, he too wanted a little girl. he always imagine having her run around being his little princess. sporting his dimples that'd make him go weak each time she smiled at him. though he knew the chances of him having a child with his genes were slim if he did stay with jin(which he planned on doing) he still wouldn't mind adopting a beautiful baby girl.

the two went on and on about having kids together, though they know it is way too early to even be thinking about kids right now. but even so, that little thought made them both flutter inside, made them both feel good. they both understood where taehyung was coming from with so badly wanting to have a kid, but they also understood jungkook as well, it was too early and they weren't ready...

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