Chapter 1: Surrender

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 My Name is Anabel Wood. You know who I am. You know what I am. You know the Vampily.  Jacob, Bonnie, Luke, Father and finally Damien, you also know my ex-best-friend Damon.  It has been seven years since I've seen Damon. I'm 173 today.  That's right today is my human birthday. I don't like celebrating my vampire rebirth. I hate that I am a vampire. I never wanted to kill anyone. Being a vampire is difficult but if I only hunt animals it becomes easier for me to live with myself. Damien doesn't share that same point of view. He never has... not even with his brother Luke.  

                I twist my hair in between my fingers as I read a book in my room, well Damien and I room. He walks in and gives me a small smile. I ignore him and continue to read the book. He snatches it out of my hands and glares at me "This is wrong. You shouldn't be reading," he snaps "it's 2015 Damien. Times' have changed," I sigh and try to reach for the book again. "Women weren't allowed to read before," he growls and raises the book up high. I stand up and he sizes me up. I'm dressed in a thigh length ruffled out blue dress that is tight at the waist and flares out at the hips. My black flats don't help me in height. "Damien you just said a key word. Before," I whine and try reaching for the book. "Change into something that covers your legs," he orders "now Damien you're being ridiculous," I snap and finally grab the book back. He hisses at me. "Stop it," Luke said coming into the room.  "Now I've lost my page number," I grumble and shift through the pages searching. Luke glares at Damien. "Father wants to speak to us in the living room," Luke announces and strides away with one last apologetic look at me. "Angel I don't want you reading," Damien says "you don't get to tell me what to do. I haven't been marked yet," I snap and hurry out the room.

 In the vampire history if you are mates or want to be mates with someone you have to mark them and give yourself over to them as a whole. It is the most respected law for vampires.

                Damien catches up to me and grabs my wrist spinning me around. "I could always mark you," he smiles and I pull away from him. "You can't. I didn't choose you," I sigh "why won't you choose me," he asks "Damien... I'm not looking for a relationship," I sigh "What are you going to remain a virgin forever? It's been what 171 years now," he says. I hit him on the cheek. "You expect me to care about you! You don't even remember my birthday is today do you? I'm 173 by the way," I hiss and spin on my heel before marching off. He keeps up with my pace and watches me "Angel come on," he begs "my name is Anabel! Not Angel," I mumble and turn down the hall. "Anabel," Damien whispers. I look at him in annoyance. "Why do I have to put up with you," I growl "because I changed you! I am your creator and you have no choice. You will learn to obey and surrender to me," he hisses then zooms away.

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