Chapter 7: Into the Ruins

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(Anabel's P.O.V)

"Luke I asked you to stay out of my head," I growl and he looks down.

"Anabel it's been two months you can't stay here," he pleas "if you had stayed out of my head that day I wouldn't need to run like this! I told you to go back," I snare.

I now live in an abandon cabin seventy miles away from Damien and the others, I have not found Damon.

The cabin was old even the wood smelled old! Like rotten and stuffy like.

There was a worn down bed and a small bookshelf to the left of the room. The bathroom was an outhouse just a few steps outside and the kitchen was a stove that would work once and a while.

The windows were broken so there was no point in shutting them and the back door never opened because of the broken lock.

"Run? You aren't running you're following them but you make sure never to get caught Anabel! That isn't running in fact I think in this society it's called stalking," he notes.

"Oh shut your trap Luke," I groan and begin to braid my hair into a fishtail braid.

"Damien misses you... and I know you miss him," Luke states "you don't know anything," I snare while glaring at him.

His hair was scattered and needed a nice cut while his clothes were spotted with mud or dirt. His jeans had rips at the knees and his white button shirt looked more black and brown then white.

"The only reason I haven't left back to them is because of the state you are in," Luke says. "No that is not your reason; you were the one that almost got me killed Luke; don't you think that they're mad at you? Damien must be furious," I laugh.

"Not unless I explain what I was really doing," he shrugs "oh really? What were you 'really' doing," I sneer. "I was trying to get you to kill her Anabel. I was trying to save your life," he snaps and my jaw drops.

"Why would you want that? I thought that you, of all people, would want her to live! You the vegetarian of the family; the one that helped me become better by only killing animals," I cry in annoyance.

"It meant saving you Bell; if I had to make the decision again I wouldn't change it... well maybe a bit I would have killed her myself," he mumbles.

I get up and whack him in the back of the head he turns to me and hisses.

"Stop it," I hiss at him and he growls at me.

"You need to go back to Father and the rest of them," he snares and I slap him.

"I won't!" I shout and turn away from him. "Will you just stop being stubborn Anabel," he grumbles and pulls me to him. I twist and face him and he stares me down.

"Luke... I can't go back. I killed someone in front of everyone... I killed Sandy and tossed her like a rag-doll," I sob and tears begin to form in my eyes.

"You killed her to save yourself! Anabel that doesn't make you a bad person," Luke reasons "Yes it does! I could've made a different choice but my-my mind didn't even think twice about killing her," I say and turn away from him.

He wraps his arms around me and he buries his face into my neck. "You aren't bad... you made a quick decision but that was a mistake; that doesn't make you horrible or bad... just... just more human," he mumbles and I relax into him.

"I-I don't know if they want me to come back," I say and suddenly the small cabin front door burst open.

"Of course they do. Took you long enough," Damon laughs.

His hair is full of dried leaves and he has grown a small stub beard.

He has a blue t-shirt on with black jeans that are full of mud.

"Damon? I thought I heard someone out there," Luke chuckles as he lets me go. I rush over to Damon and hug him.

He lifts me into the air and spins me around I duck my head so I don't hit the ceiling.

"Don't you think it's time to go back to them," Damon asks as he sets me down "but what about you?" I ask.

He looks to Luke "I'll be fine..."

"No you won't. Plus you aren't on my good side right now! You created another me; I mean are you completely insane," I yell.

"Fine then let's talk shall we. Luke you are welcome to join," Damon smiles "well I don't trust you around Anabel so I am staying," Luke says and we all take a seat on my crappy bed.

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