Chapter 2: Father Talk.

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I tried to ignore the fact that Damien had gone all "I control you," on me and

went to see what Father wanted. When I entered the living room Luke was by

Bonnie and Jacob whilst Damien was by the window looking out and not making any

eye contact with me. Father was in his chair smoking his cigarette and staring

at Damien. "Father," I say and close the door behind me as I rush over to his

side. I sit down at his feet like I always do and Jacob gets everyone to move

closer. Finally Damien looks at me but his eyes are sad. "Father you wished to

see us," Jacob says in his most stern voice; he is the eldest so he must speak

for us. "I must visit the vampire Princes," Father finally speaks.

"Why," Jacob asks

"Who are the vampire Princes," I ask

"Why not send one of us," Damien asks

"Must you," Bonnie asks with a hint of insecurity in her voice.

Father looks at me as though I am the reason he must go. "Father," Damien says defensively as he sees Father's look. "Her old friend has created a doppelganger vampire," Father sighs "when? How could he do this to her," Damien says outraged. "Do what? What's a doppelganger? Who are the vampire Princes," I ask. No one answer me they are all looking at Luke for answers. "Will someone please answer me," I shout and Damien looks at me then grabs me and pulls me in for a hug. My breath is knocked out of me and I squirm in his arms. "Damien," I whine but he just buries his face into the nap of my neck. "I don't know," Luke says. "Figure it out," Damien hissed. Only then did I realize they were communicating in their minds. Damien has this gift of sending you messages in your mind. Luke can read you mind, while Jake can tell what your mood is. Damien finally lets me go and turns to Father. "We won't let them take her," Damien vows "that is why you all must find this Damon and I must go to the vampire Princes," Father says. "What... Father what if we fail," I ask. He gives me a meaningful look as if he is taking me in one last time; almost like he might never see me again. "They will take you... and they will kill you," Father says softly "why," I ask "because we can't have doppelgangers. It sets nature off  balance," Luke explains for Father.  "So they need to kill me for it," I hiss "well it's either you or the other doppelganger," Bonnie giggles as if it delights her.

"How is there another person like me out there and who came up with that name," I ask.

"Well it originates I think for Germany. Doppel means double; while ganger means walker." Jake says

"It was first used by Mr. Jean Paul in one of his novels."  Luke adds

"As vampires are believed in, Doppelgangers were a myth." Bonnie sighs

"They can either look like you... maybe have skin tone or eye color off but they won't

have your personality or vice versa," Damien says with worry as my face scrunches


"You guys haven't answered my question. How is there another one of me," I ask.

Everyone looks at Damien.  "Its been long enough. She's what? 173, right?" Damien asks Luke. "Yes but they don't normally happen this fast. This Doppelganger is in its teens Damien," Luke answers. "So nature had a little mess up," Damien shrugs "mess up? Damien you've messed up my life! It doesn't surprise me that you messed up nature but you can't play with people's lives! Or God," I snap at him. He looks at me with anger "if Luke had just let me kill you then I wouldn't have messed up anything," he yells back. "You had no right to kill me Damien! You should've just done what Luke does and drink animals," I retort "that isn't living! I am a vampire not some freak of nature! I won't force myself to do something when I don't see others doing so as well," Damien says. "Damien you're forcing people to give you their life! Their soul! You are a freak of nature! We all are," I shout throwing my hands up. He sped forward and I backed into a wall my head hit with a thud. "I am your Creator. I order you to obey me. You will not speak unless I tell you to," he roars and I fight off his powers. "Damien is that really necessary," Luke sigh giving me an apologetic look. Father says nothing.

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