Chapter 5: Fight For lovely life (continued)

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"Battle?" Sandy says and I glare at Father. "Battle? I never agreed to that. I thought we were trying to save her," I snap at Damien his hair blew in the wind and the trees shook . "It is up to the vampire Princes," Bonnie says for Damien "Father," I say practically begging him to change the Princes' mind.

"Let Ms. Sandy go. Damien use your sire bond and get her ready for battle. You will both duel one another. Whomever dies loses. I'm sure I don't need to explain anymore," Klaus sighs.

"You think she is one of your Mates," Luke exclaimed "Mate," I question "your other half," Jacob explains. "I know what a mate is and I am no one's Mate," I say "well you certainly aren't Damien's or Damon's maybe Luke's; or one of my brother; maybe even me," Klaus smiles.

I back away from him in disgust.

"I am no one's prize," I snare and raise my teeth. He raises his hand as if to hit me but Damien zooms next to me and hisses in defense. "Don't," Damien growls.

"Get ready," Klaus hisses and turns away. His coat twirls around him but I couldn't tell what any of them were truly wearing because of their long brown coats.

Damien grabs my face so that I have no choice but to look at him. His soft hands relaxed me but his eyes that were normally a calm green were like bright emeralds' that had just been cleaned. I breathe in his vanilla and wood-like smell. He pressed his head against mine.

"I want you to fight with everything you have. I want you to kill her. I want you to not stop until she is dead Anabel. Angel please I can't lose you," Damien orders but his voice is cracking. His kisses my cheek for what seems like forever as it begins to rain.

Rain drops hit my face and wet his hair.

"You can speak Love," Damien sighs as he lets me go. His hand brushes my cheek before stepping back. My hair blew in the wind and I could tell by everyone's' expression that my eyes had gone a dangerous red. My veins were popping out from my face as I controlled my vampire side. "I don't want to hurt her," I whine but only Damien hears me.

Sandy crouches down as if she is ready to pounce and I back away from her. She launches forward at me. I move out of the way but some of the tree branches brush against my soft skin ripping through. "Close your eyes. Use your powers," Damien yells at me.

Right concentrate Anabel! I tell myself. I close my eyes as told. I stop everything and listen. I feel and I hear I am one with wind and the ground. Left crunch move to the right; I feel the wind brush against me from her missed hit. She hisses in anger and I hear her breath heavy. She is going to launch at me again and I drop to the floor in a split as she sails pass me. I open my eyes as she hits the floor with a thud. I pounce and land on top of her. She slaps me and her nails leave marks in my face. I can see that she's has drawn blood. She grabs my hair and knees me in the stomach. I gasp for air but I quickly whack my head against hers. She groans in pain and lets my hair go. Her eyes are rolling as she tries to stay conscious.

I know I will win but just as I am about to rip her heart out I stop. My nails so close to cutting through her shiny skin. "What are you waiting for? Kill her," Klaus shouts but I only stand up and grip her throat so she doesn't move. Sandy struggle to grab me but I held her far enough away. "I won't kill her," I finally say and my voice seems to surprise the Princes.

"Well you can speak for yourself," Klaus raves and steps towards me. "Anabel I told you to not stop until you killed her," Damien yells. My sire bond arises and I hiss before biting into her neck. I try to break free and use all my strength to fight the sire bond. I let go of Sandy and she fell to the ground while covering her neck wound. I sped forward and grab Damien by his coat collar and lift him up.

He is just as surprised as everyone else. "I will not be given orders Damien," I snare as I sat him down.

"Anabel don't you ever raise your voice to Damien," Father shouts at me. I lower my head and sigh. "Kill her," Father Orders and I look over to Sandy.

She's crying and crawling away but Bonnie raced forward and breaks her leg. "Not so fast Blue hair! Anabel hasn't finished what she started," Bonnie snares baring her teeth at Sandy. She lets out a piercing scream and I cover my ears. "Bonnie! Why would you do that," I snap and slap her; she hisses as she falls to the ground. Damien takes a step toward Sandy but I hiss defensively and he stops in his tracks. "Anabel stop this nonsense now," Father Orders while looking at Klaus. Suddenly I feel sleepy and I collapse to the ground without another word. My head hits the ground with a thud and I'm into darkness***

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