☆How you met them☆

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+ You found her from her campaign to get 4*TOWN tickets

+ Let's just say you were a HUGE fan of animals

+Your family couldn't get you a pet, aside from your Tamagotchi

+ And you haven't seen any animals except for stray dogs

+ So knowing that there's a girl at your school who can turn into a giant furry animal and you could hug it and bury your arms in the fluffy fur...

+ Yeah you were ecstatic

+ You were the one that paid the most for pictures, t-shirts, pins, etc.

+ Mei never understood where you got all that money from

+ But aside from that, she did like how you were just like her friends.

+ Joyful, energetic, fun to be around...

+ It didn't take long for her to ask you to join her friend group

+ You liked her too, even when she wasn't a red panda


+ You two were friends back in elementary school

+ She had your back and you had hers

+ Then you had to move schools due to your parents' job

+ You remember crying and hugging her so tightly as if she'll disappear in thin air

+ That day, you pinky promised you'll never forget her, she promised too

+ When you returned when you two were in 8th grade, thank heavens the promise was kept

+ She introduced you to your friend group, who were so excited to meet you


+ You read books

+ And by books, I'm not talking about refined sophisticated classics like Pride And Prejudice or To Kill A Mockingbird

+I'm talking horrid teen books with werewolves, vampires, and terrible love triangles. Specifically Twilight

+ Priya didn't expect to find another person who's into those books

+ Her friend wasn't too interested in them and if she did find someone who liked books, it's nothing exciting or dramatic

+ When she talked to you, it was only about books

+ She just assumed you weren't too interested in her aside besides your shared love for Twilight

+ It wasn't until you drifted away to other books, then other hobbies, and then just about her in general

+ When her friend group found out about you two, well...

+ "Ooooh, You're the girl Priya thinks is a vampire.."


+They say opposites attract, right?

+ You were Devon's little sister who just so happens to attend the same school as her

+When she found out.. oh boy...


+ Once she saw you eating alone at lunch, She nearly spilled her food running over to you and slamming her tray on the table, startling you.

+ She would ramble on and on and interrogate you on your brother

+ She didn't expect you to be so shy when she found you.

+Then again, it's hard talking about your brother's favorite 4*Town song to a random girl hyperventilating

+ While conversations were weird, she was interesting company

+ Her Devon obsession shattered when she learned he had a girlfriend, but still decided to hang out with you


+ You were already in Mei's friend group when you met him.

+ And just like them, you weren't too fond of him

+ He was just like all the other boys in your life

+ But out of the 4, you were the least harsh about him

+ That didn't mean you liked him though

+ Even at his birthday party, it was just for the money

+ But seeing him at the 4*Town concert... It showed a weird side of him that was so foreign to you

+ He was the only boy to not despise the boy band, nonetheless be a fan

+ When he joined the friend group, he was closer to you

+ He said it was because you weren't so harsh on him when he was being a jerk

+ Which, okay maybe you should have been more critical of him for teasing Mei

+ But

+ Maybe he's not as bad as you thought. Maybe you'll give him a chance

Finished the first chapter! As I'm making this note, there aren't a lot of Turning Red stories so it's difficult to see how everyone sees the characters. :')

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