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Requested by: IHateL1f3 and jhooooooooioiioiiiin

(F/C) means favorite color


They say opposites attract.

You've been at Lester B. Pearson Middle School long enough to know about Mei. While you have been enamored with her enough to harbor a crush, you were also the polar opposite of her. She wasn't afraid to act herself while you overthink every action and thought people have of you, restricting yourself from doing anything you found too abstract. You weren't seen as smart unlike her. She had her trustworthy friend group while you didn't have anyone. The only trait you two shared was being seen as weird.

Whenever the school bell rang and everyone rushed to their lockers to pack up and go home, you would purposely stand near Mei's locker where her friends huddled around. Not close enough for her to notice instantly, but enough for you to get a close look at her. Sometimes, whenever she catches a quick glimpse at you, you would panic and look down to the ground before leaving. You tried to make it subtle. 

You weren't all that subtle.

One day, as you stormed out once again, you heard someone call out to you from behind.

"Hey! You! Wait up!"

You looked behind you to see Mei rushing over towards you, panting heavily once she reached you. She then suddenly sprung up as if she wasn't catching her breath. Your mind scrambled. You weren't good at talking, and that has only been amplified by your crush stating right in front of you.

"I always see you around my locker after the school bell. What's up with that?"

"O-Oh um... I sometimes do that..." You spoke quietly. Mei was confused as she could hardly hear you but chose to brush it off.

"Well, I want to clear some things up since I don't know you all that well. Plus you don't seem to look like a bad person," She stuck out her hand, her fingers outstretching to resemble a star. "I'm Meilin Lee, or Mei for short. What's yours?"

You were surprised by her friendliness, but grasped her hand in yours and shook it.

"(y/n)..." you mumbled. Mei looked at you confused.

"What was that?"

"(Y/N). My name's (Y/N), Mei." You spoke more loudly.

"Oh sorry, haha! I couldn't hear you."

You knew it was your fault, but you tried not to dwell on it too much. You gave her a small smile. She returned with her bright smile. You felt relieved and safe.

The following morning had you standing by your mirror in your bedroom. twirling around in a(n) (f/c) dress. You bought it a week ago with your allowance. You were proud of yourself and you loved how you looked in the dress. How it ruffles when your prance around. Or how it sways when you rock your hips side to side.

After some time though, you had to take it off and dress in your usual attire. You had to walk to school and despite your love for the dress, you weren't ready to go out with it. You were terrified of how the other kids would react to it. It was the safest option for you. You got your backpack and left your room.

That school day was different. Mei, followed by her friend group, wanted to talk to you more. You were shocked but tried to play along. Having Mei by your side made you feel more secure. You helped with her homework, to which she was shocked by how much you knew. You never stroke out to be a genius.

After school, Mei offered to come over to your house for the evening.

"I know it's sudden but I would really like to visit just for a little while. And maybe after that, you can come to mine! Though I'm not too sure my mom would like that..."

You agreed and the two of you walked over to your house. As you unlocked the front door and strode to your bedroom, upon opening your door, you froze.

You forgot to hang up your dress in your closet, which now lay crumpled on the ground.

Mei looked at you confused.

"Why is there a dress on the ground?"

You began to panic. You couldn't scurry to hide the dress because that would just incriminate you more. You couldn't ignore it because Mei would just ask more questions about it. Your mind raced as you began to speak out any lie that plagued your mind

"I-It's my mom's."


"It's my mom's dress. She showed it to me this morning."

"It must be pretty old," Mei commented before picking up the dress and examining it. "It looks like it could fit you!"

"Y-yeah! Maybe now that I'm remembering, it might have been my cousin's."

"Why would your mom show you your cousin's dress? I'm sure you don't wear them."

You stood silently. You scratched your neck as you avoided looking at Mei. Mei became even more confused and gently placed the dress down.

"(Y/N)," Mei looked at you deeply, "I know this might be a weird question, but is this your dress?"

"Mine? Oh, of course not! I don't wear dresses. Guys don't wear dresses."

"That doesn't mean they can't."

You stayed silent as Mei walked in front of you. You couldn't manage to keep the tears in and sobbed, letting them fall down your cheeks. Mei pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back.

"It's alright (Y/N). It's fine," Mei consoled you in a sweet voice. "I'm guessing you didn't want me to know that." You nodded slowly. Mei looked over at the dress on the ground.

"If it's fine with you, can you put it on? Just so I want to see." A smile crept on both of your faces as you walk over to pick up the dress before walking out to your bathroom.

As you got dressed, you looked at yourself once more in the mirror. The dress fits you just like how it did this morning. Only now you're much more nervous. You could take it off and just tell Mei you're not ready, but something in your mind told you to show it to her. You debated with yourself before giving up entirely and stormed out of the bathroom, wearing your dress, and into your room.

When Mei saw you, she was shocked, mouth agape.

"So?" You said bashfully, "I can take it off if you want. I know you would-"

"OH MY GEE YOU LOOK SO GOOD (Y/N)!" Mei squealed and rush to pull you in a hug. "I don't know what you were so worried about! You look amazing!" 

You didn't know how to react to her sudden embrace, attempting to wrap your arms around her.

"Thank you, Mei," You whispered as you leaned into her ear. "I don't know how to express it enough, but thank you."

"Aww don't thank me (Y/N)! I just like your outfit!"

You held back your tears and hugged her indefinitely, unaware of time or your surroundings.

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