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Requested by GiseleVitria357
Btw (P/N) means pet name

•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾TAE YOUNG☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•

You've just started volunteering at an animal rehabilitation center near your house. You loved animals and wanted to do the best you could to heal them back to health. Plus you don't really have anything to do after school so this was really all you did.

As you were carefully feeding a baby squirrel some milk, the entrance door rang and you saw a familiar blond cloaked in a black hoodie.

"Tae!" You exclaimed, "So glad you're back. The doves missed their Dada."

"Heh... Sorry for being late. Rehearsal was torture." He gently picked up a dove with his finger and looked closely at its wing. "It looks like Winnie's wing looks about healed. Has he flown yet?"

"I don't think so..."

"No worries... Winnie will fly soon enough." Tae Young let the bird stay on his finger while he observed you feeding the squirrel. "Have you named that little guy you're feeding?"


"Did you give the squirrel a name?" Now that you think about it, no you didn't. You shook your head in response. "Then why don't you give him one?"

"I guess... What would you name him?" You asked.

"I'd saaay... Bob."


"Yeah. Nothing too major. Plus you know I'm terrible with names. Winnie was named by Robaire, not me." You had to do this squirrel justice. Ain't no way is his name going to be fucking Bob.

"Come on! He has to have a better name. Like (P/N) or something!"

"Oooooh... I love that name!" Tae Young said. You smiled and blushed at his sweet comment.

The two of you chatted and cared for the animals until it was time for you and Tae Young to go home. As you two exited the center, you see that Tae Young looked melancholic and solemn

"What's wrong Tae Young?" You asked, placing your hand on his shoulder. He looked at you before sighing.

"(Y/N), I may not be able to come here a lot anymore... There was an incident where the last bird I fostered... defecated on Aaron T.'s sheet music and he got pissed. Our manager says I have to focus on the band and not the animals because it's 'hindering me of my full potential.' Whatever that means." He looked through the glass windows to see Winnie. "It's just upsetting that I won't be able to see Winnie leave once he's healed."

"Tae baby." You cupped his cheek. "It's alright. I'll be fine and Winnie will be fine. You've been a great caretaker for him. Promise me this; once you're done with 4*Town and all that stuff in the following years, visit back here. I'll be waiting, alright?" Tae Young looked at you with tears glistening his eyes.

"Thank you (Y/N)." And before he left, he placed a kiss on your cheek before walking away from you and the animal center for the last time.

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