☆You want cuddles☆

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requested by Marauders_Slytherdor



+ You were sleeping on the couch in the living room when it happened

+ You've had nightmares about dying before, but this one was different

+ It felt so real

+ When you woke up, you couldn't handle the abrupt change from near-death to safety in your friend's living

+ You broke into tears and sulked your way to Mei's room

+ She awoke by you nudging her with watery eyes

+ "I'm sorry, Mei, but can I sleep with you tonight? Just tonight..."

+ When you first got in bed, you tried to distance yourself far away from her on the bed to not make things awkward, still facing her

+ It hurt Mei to see you crying and so afraid to seek physical comfort

+ She couldn't bear it anymore and hugged you, rubbing your back

+ You cried into her nightshirt, staining it with tears

+ That shirt soon transformed into fur and the hand on your back soon became a large paw

+ Mei didn't care if her bed creaked

+ You drifted off to sleep in her embrace


+ You two were in the living room on the couch when you awoke

+ Teary-eyed, you lightly shook her shoulder

+ When Miriam saw your sad face, she immediately pulled you closer to her, your shoulders touching

+ She reached for the remote to turn on the TV

+ "Why don't we watch some Cartoon Network? Or maybe another movie?"

+ She pulled her blanket over you and her

+ You fell asleep on her shoulder


+ You were in a sleeping bag next to her bed when you awoke in tears.

+ She wasn't asleep, rather she was reading a book with the lamp on

+ When you stood next to her, She was taken aback by you sniffing

+ "What's wrong (Y/N)? Did something happen?"

+ You didn't respond

+ "Oh come here.."

+ You climbed in bed with her and rested your head on her lap

+ She continued reading her book, stroking and fiddling with your hair

+ After a while, she put her book down and fell asleep, you sound asleep on her lap


+ You and Abby were sleeping in sleeping bags (she wanted to sleep right next to you) when you woke up

+ You crawled over to her and nudged her awake.

+ "(Y/N)? Are you crying?"

+ She's not used to handling sadness

+ She crawled out of her sleeping bag and climbed into her bed, you following behind

+ She turned on her lamp, took out some baby blue nail polish from her drawer, and turn on her radio to play 4*Town songs

+ You both sat in silence as she gently applied the nail polish to your nails

+ Usually she would try and rush through with it, leaving it an awful mess

+ But instead, she spent every second perfecting it the best she could

+ When you tried to speak, she hushed you

+ "Don't say anything (Y/N). Just relax..."

+ When she was done, she turned off the lights and laid flat on her bed, not even bothering to go underneath the covers

+ You laid close to her, the both of you staring at the ceiling as if you were seeing the night sky

+ She rubbed your shoulder before the both of you fell back asleep


+ You were both in his room when you woke up

+ He was a heavy sleeper, so you had to shake him a little more aggressively

+ He was irritated when he woke up but stopped when he saw you trembling

+ He moved to sit up from his bed

+ "Are you okay? Do you want a hug or..."

+ Just as he suggested that you quickly hugged him, grasping on him for dear life.

+ All he could do back was pat your back

+  When you pulled back, he used his hand to wipe the tears from your eyes

+ "Sorry, I'm not really the comforting one, you know..."

+ He led you back to your sleeping bag and zipped you in

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