☆When you're sick☆

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☃ Requested by Vivanne_


+ After school, she rushed immediately to your house

+ Packed with her is a thermos filled with her mom's porridge, some tissues boxes, and cough medicine

+ Your parents were still out at work, so it was just you and her

+ She wouldn't allow you to get up from your bed, unless you needed to pee

+ She fed you the porridge, half because she's afraid it would spill on your bed and half because she thought it would be cute feeding you

+ "My mom said once this porridge hits you tougue, you would be all better!"

+ She's a bit hesitant on getting close with you since she doesn't want to be sick herself

+ The most she does is pat your head, preferably with her panda paw


+ Will make sure you're as comfy as possible 

+ Showers you with any blankets, pillows, stuffed animals she could find in your house

+ She makes sure you're fed with snacks

+ Demands you to get some rest

+ "I promise you, buttercup, you really need some rest. Otherwise, you'll look like a zombie."

+ "I already look like a zombie, Miri."

+ "No you don't. You look beautiful."


+ Sits right next to you on the couch

+ Whenever you sneeze, she hands you a tissue

+ Whenever you cough, she hands you a water bottle

+ When you're about to ask her for something, she's already up getting it for you before you even say what is was

+ "Your voice is probably raspy. I'm just saving you the trouble of using it too much."

+ Urges you to take medicine, despite you complaining it taste terrible

+ She convinced you to take it by dosing it in orange juice

+ Reads you Night Fall while you rest


+ Definitely not the nurturing type

+ Abby thinks you're having a sleepover with her when you asked her if she could come over

+ Tries to have as much fun with you, despite your condition

+ She sang karaoke (with you softly cheering her on), played cards with you, and charades

+ Watched movies with you, your choice of course

+ You and her both ate crackers. Only crackers

+ Made sure you have a tissue box near you

+ When you fell asleep, she rested literally on top of you

+ You could only chuckle to yourself when you woke up in the middle of the night to find her still sleeping on you


+ He doesn't care if he gets sick from you

+ He would cuddled up right next to you

+ You love it since you felt some warmth and comfort

+ And he liked it since if he did get sick, that would mean he would get a free day off school

+ Kinda a win-win for the both of you, minus the coughing, sneezing, congestion, fatigue, etc.

+ When you need water, he'll hold the bottle while you sip from it

+ When you got tired, he let you sleep on his lap

+ He did ended up getting sick the next day, but you were there to take care of him just as he did to you (excluding you getting close to him)

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