✩They catch you dancing✩

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requested by AaziyahXoxooo


+ You invited Mei over to your house to help each other with homework

+ You pulled out your radio and played through a few songs while you and her worked

+ It was until she saw you subconsciously swaying to the music while writing that she smiled

+ But when you looked up at her, you immediately stopped

+ This happened thrice before she knew what you were doing

+ Mei sighed.

+ "(Y/N), are you scared to dance around me? Even a little?"

+ You looked up at her, and reluctantly nodded shyly.

+ She stood up and help you up as well

+ "Let's just dance a little. You don't need to be nervous."

+ Turns out, she's a bad dancer

+ She tripped multiple times, to which she would laugh it off and continue

+ What made you feel less anxious and more at ease, allowing you to dance more effortlessly


+ You were literally having the time of your life in your room

+ You were home alone, blasting your favorite 4*Town song while dancing so badly

+ You didn't care though

+ Who's watching you do this?

+ Nobody

+ Or, rather it should have been nobody

+ You heard a knock at your window

+ You opened the blinds earlier, allowing light in your room and an open view of your dancing

+ You looked over to see Miriam with her face and hands on the window, startling you


+ "I got bored. By the way, you dance good~"

+ "Miriam, please not now..."

+ Okaaay, Okay. I'll see you at school."

+ Miriam disappeared

+ You were embarrassed by her seeing you dance like a headless chicken, but you couldn't help but smile.

+ Miriam. Oh, Miriam. Where would you be without her...


+ You were trying to practice one of 4*Town choreography

+ When Priya asked you if you would dance with her, you told her, "Not really. I can't really dance like Robaire or Aaron Z."

+ You lied.

+ You would spend hours in your room trying to memorize the moves

+ You would usually record yourself dancing to see how you did

+ When Priya texted you, you tried to text her back

+ But because you're clumsy and I need a plot device, you accidentally sent her the video of you dancing

+ You immediately realized what you had done once your finger lifted off the send button

+ You spammed her with text like, "I DIDNT MEAN TO SEND YOU THAT, " and "IM SORRY"

+ All she responded with was a simple, "nice moves"


+ She LIVED for dancing

+ Bitch probably has like all of the Just Dance games (Yes, I know the movie takes place in 2002. Abby just time traveled)

+ She was a little disappointed when she never saw you dance

+ It was always "I'm not in the mood." or "I can't dance."

+ One day in the courtyard, she took your hand and made you face her

+ "Let's dance!"

+ Before you could even respond, she swung you around

+ You were scared at first

+ Like, dance now? In the courtyard where there are dozens of kids watching you two?

+ But while she giggled while twirling you around and boogieing

+ Everything except her faded from your vision

+ It was just you, Abby, and the void

+ You put some effort into your moves and before you noticed it, you were dancing

+ All the mocking laughter, the kids snickering at you two, you didn't hear it

+ You enjoyed every last second of that dance with Abby


+ You were attending a school party, looking through the crowd for Tyler

+ He said he'll come with you, which was the only reason you decided to go

+ It's been 20 minutes and you can't find him anywhere

+ Just as you were about to leave, your favorite song came on the speakers

+ You figured you could spend some fun dancing to it before you left

+ As the music blared, you swung your body, swaying to the music

+ You closed your eye

+ Your hands were suddenly occupied by another pair

+You looked over your head to see Tyler towering behind you, smiling awkwardly

+ "Hey..." He said softly. "You dance pretty well."

+ Your face flushed red

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