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Requested by meemowww and hchrd69bqzprivaterel


You were by your locker, grabbing your backpack as you were getting ready to walk home.

"Yo (Y/N)! Are you up for a sleepover tonight?" Miriam asked. You rose an eyebrow. Usually she would have her friend group with her. Mei struggling to hide her huge smile. Abby looking as if she'll explode with excitement. Priya's mellow smile as she leaned against Miriam. But now it was just Miriam, who couldn't seem to maintain eye contact with you.

"Where's Mei and the others? Aren't they coming too?"

"Mei has shrine duty, Abby has a project for her art class, and Priya's out attending a family wedding. So it's just you and me!" She exclaimed.

You shut your locker. "Sure!" you answered " I don't have anything else to do right now."

"Sweet. Meet me at my house around 7. Got it?"

"Got it!" You waved goodbye at Miriam and headed straight through the exit. Though your mind did wonder why Priya didn't tell you about the wedding. Or that Abby doesn't miss out on sleepovers to do schoolwork, even when it was a project. You couldn't ask now. Miriam was already far gone for you to run back to her.

Miriam walked away from the exit around the corner to see all 3 of her friends huddled up next to each other, eavesdropping on the conversation

"Well?" Mei asked

"She said yes!" Miriam exclaimed

They all cheer on, bundling up in a huge hug. They all did their secret handshake before drowning in laughter.

"This is your chance, Miriam! You couldn't stop talking about her! We're here to make her your bitch!" Abby chanted.

"I don't know guys. What if she doesn't like me back?"

Priya put her hand on Miriam's shoulder. "(Y/N)'s been eyeing you all week. She definitely wants you." 

"Maybe you're right..."

"Of course! We're doing this for you." Mei pulled Miriam in, shoulder to shoulder.

Before you arrived, Mei, Abby and Priya all hid around Miriam's house. Mei hid in the closet, Priya was behind the couch, and Abby was underneath the bed. Miriam was constantly sweating and played with her shirt collar while waiting for you.

She jumped when the doorbell rang, rushing over to open it and greet you. You had your backpack filled with all the essentials.

"Hiiii (Y/N)." She said, slurring her words.

"Hiya! Can I come in?"

"Suuuure.." Miriam moved out the way to let you walk in. You set your backpack down by the couch.

"So what are we gonna do?"

Miriam looked over at the spot Priya was hiding. Priya pointed towards her room.

"Oh! Uh, why don't we go to my room?" Miriam was failing to hide her nervousness. You shrugged it off, suspecting she wasn't used to spending a night only with you. She trotted over towards her room as you followed behind her. Miriam digged through her crowded shelf and pulled out a colorful box.

"W-Why don't we play some Connect 4?" Miriam frantically pulled out the board game and tore through the box to get the blue stand out. At that point, you couldn't shake off her clearly tense emotion.

"Miriam," You said, "Is something wrong?"

"NO! Uh, I mean no. It's a little nerve-racking being alone with you. Just not used to it." All of a sudden, a noise of something falling came from the closet followed by someone cursing under their breath.

"What was that?" 

"It's probably something outside. No worries."

"It sounded like it came from your closet." You stood up and approached the closet. Miriam panicked. Mei panicked. Abby had to do a last resort and scattered under the bed, looking for something. Grabbing onto an empty cup, she flung it across the room, slamming into the wall. You whirled around to look at the cup. Miriam was internally screaming. She went and picked it up.

"I found this cup under my bed. Cool, isn't it?" Miriam nervously laughed.

"Miriam what's going on? I know you're hiding something from me." You said, more agitated than before." Miriam sighed heavily.

"Come out guys." Mei emerged from the closet and Abby struggled to crawled from under the bed. "Look (Y/N), I was so terrified of trying to impress you so I asked my friends if they could help me out. I know I lied about them being busy. I'm sorry." She hung her head low. You gazed at her with pity.

"Oh Miriam, you don't have to impress me. I already enjoy your company." You consoled her. You took her hands into yours and kissed her. She was taken aback, but return your gesture. Mei and Abby fist-bumped in victory.

"By the way, where's Priya?" You asked.

"Oh she's behind the couch." Miriam turned to her two friends. "Y'all wanna stay over?"

"Actually, we want to give you two time alone together. It'll be awkward with us here." Mei said while Abby nodded. "We'll go get Priya." 

As the two friends walked out the room, it was just you and Miriam.

"Wanna play some Connect 4?" You suggested.

"Heh... yeah..."

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