☆They catch you singing☆

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requested by hchrd69bqzprivaterel


+ You tend to calm yourself down in the school bathroom whenever you're about to lose your mind.

+ You would make sure nobody is in there and sing your heart out, pacing around the tiled floor

+ Mei followed you after you asked to go there for the 3rd time that day during class.

+ And when she entered, she made sure to not make a sound

+ Your back was to the door while you sang as if you were the only girl in the world

+ She never heard you sing or ever thought you liked singing, but man, you were good

+ Dazed in your mind, you turned around to see her head peeking through the door slit and abruptly stopped

+ Your mind panicked, thoughts ran races in your brain as you stood there looking at her

+ You weren't planning on showing Mei your singing skills since you weren't too confident in them

+But... But...

+ "You're amazing (Y/N). Why don't you sing more often?"


+ She tries her best to get you to sing with her

+ You refused all those times

+ After a while she stopped trying, knowing you weren't up for it

+ Until...

+ Around English, when sitting next to you, she heard you hum a song

+ At first she thought, 'maybe that's someone else'

+ But your humming turned into mumbling the lyrics in a soft voice you thought nobody would hear

+ And Miriam knew that was you. That was your voice

+ Miriam tore a corner off her notebook paper and scribbled words on it before passing it to you

+ 'you sing so well! :)'

+ You glanced up at her, seeing her cute smile

+ You flipped the piece of paper, writing your own message before giving it to her 

+ 'Thanks haha'

+ Miriam knew you were a bit embarrassed by her figuring out

+ So she tried to let it slide and didn't try to bring it up afterward

+ You secretly wished she did


+ Weirdly enough, she caught you during PE

+ You were humming to yourself while dodging the dodgeballs

+ Priya thought it was just her mind

+ Until she scooted closer to you, hearing you mumble a song under your breath

+ "Hey, (Y/N). I like your humming.."

+ You looked at her shocked

+ But before you could say anything, a dodgeball struck you right in the face

+ Ouch..


+ You were staying at her apartment for the night while her mom was out

+ You went to the bathroom, locked the door, and hopped in the shower

+ Even with only you and Abby in her house, you still decided to sing one of your favorite 4*Town songs in a low voice

+ You've done this before at your own house and you're sure your parents can't hear it

+ So you thought she couldn't

+ Unfortunately for you, her home has thin walls

+ She was walking to her room after getting a juice pouch from the fridge when she heard you

+ She LOVED singing but was sad you weren't the type to sing (or so she thought)

+ So hearing you sing for the first time...


+ You nearly fell in the shower


+ You two were riding the bus home

+ He sat next to you, playing a game on his Game Boy Advance

+ You were doing your homework on the bus, whispering a tune to a 4*Town song

+ Unbeknownst to you, he can hear you

+ He joined in, whispering along with you while he played his game

+ You smiled at him while the two of you sang together 

+ Once you two were finished, he playfully pushed your shoulder

+ "You sing so well (Y/N). Maybe you could be a member of 4*Town."

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