Whipped. Korra x Asami 🥰

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Asami's pov

I was in a work meeting with two other CEOs when Korra came rushing in. "Hey Sa-- oh you have company..." She blushed, I sighed and motioned for her to sit down. She walked over to the sofa and sat quietly.

"I am sorry about that Gentlemen the Avatar doesn't always know my schedule." I said looking back to them. "They turned away from looking at Korra and the first one answered. "It's quite alright, it's not everyday you get to see the beautiful, Avatar in person." I laughed in my head knowing that I get to see her everyday now that we are engaged. "She is my partner may I remind you." The second man nodded his head. "Yes, we remember." The first man nodded but I wasn't convinced.

So I called Korra over. "Hun, come here." Korra stood up and sat on my lap as I pointed to it, I moved my body so that I could see the two men but Korra was also comfortable."Now where were we?" I said looking at the papers. "U-u, th-e new builds."  I first guy stuttered out. "Oh yes, now I think the new houses should go in this area, there isn't many spirit vines."

Once the meeting was over I smiled at Korra and gave her a kiss. "Thankyou, those two would of never of listened to me, but now they think I have you whipped." Korra frowned and said. "I'm not whipped..." I laughed and moved her legs so the were around my waist.

"No baby, you're not whipped, but you are mine, I get the Avatar." I answered and then kissed her deeply. "I'll always be your's." Before anything more happened I got a message from my secretary that my 4 o'clock was here. "Will you be whipped for me again? just once more?" I begged, this guy was a sexist pig, if I had the most powerful person on my lap it would scare him silly.

"Okay, but just once more." Korra agreed and the man came in. "Hello Asami... oh, well I see the news told the truth." He said referring to Korra, earlier that week a hidden camera got a picture of Korra's engagement necklace and my ring. "Yes, well we aren't here to talk about my love life." I said as I bought Korra to my lap. The man followed her with his eyes and sat down. "Won't she be in the way there?" He asked. "No she won't." I said bluntly.

"Now business." We spoke about telephones becoming a household requirement and how we can make them for cheap without cutting back on how it preforms. Korra then started to kiss my neck, I ignored it but the man could not. "She's very distracting." He mumbled out. "I'm sorry, Korra hun go sit on the sofa." She did just that and I smiled at the man.

"Wow, you must be someone very powerful if that girl is on her hands and knees for you." I smirked and nodded. "Would you mind it if I showed her off around my men?"

I laughed and answered. "And how would that look on me? Letting my fiancé be around a man. She's not a toy, she's thr Avatar." The man got nervous and immediately started to work with me as an equal.

Once he left Korra came over and laughed. "Babe! You didn't need me! You are as intimidating as they come!" I smiled and kissed her. "That's because he got you involved, I don't want to do that ever again."

We kissed again and spent the rest of the day cuddling whlist I worked.

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