Chapter 026: The Safest City in the Reach- part 3

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     Dawn was breaking before the heat from the search for the suspects in the triple murder at the inn had slowed. Mother shivered as she continued to hold Cicero's dazed and semi-conscious body up in the waterway below a bridge. He mumbled off and on as his head nodded; his eyes glazed over as he stared into space. The insane amount of energy he had absorbed from the rapid series of kills was ravaging his mind.

     Once Mother deemed it safe to leave the water, she began tapping Cicero on the cheek. "Wake up, child. We have a job to do now," she said in a low tone.

     He wasn't snapping out of it. She was becoming concerned. Mother knew the power of the Ebony Blade. She knew how it had gotten into his hand without even having to ask. Though it would be foolish of her to meddle in Daedric affairs, she didn't like how close to home this situation was and worried how it may affect the Uprising. Cicero was also a good man. He always took exceptional care of her and protected her with his life unconditionally... but it was still simply out of her jurisdiction to intervene.

     Mother pulled his head down onto her shoulder and rested her cheek on his forehead. He was very warm still. At least she didn't have to worry about him getting hypothermia. Being a Dunmer, both in her past body and current, the cold was brutal. Thankfully the sun was coming up. They needed to move but Cicero was far too heavy to carry.

     "Please, my loyal Keeper," she whispered to him, wiping his wet stringy hair from his pale face, "Come back to me... I can't leave you here."

     His warm skin against her cheek felt comforting. Mother began to feel the deep memories of her vessel reemerging. Zukira's soul may have been sent to Sithis, but her essence remained, though suppressed. The Night Mother closed her eyes and flipped through the residual memories like a textbook in her mind. They were foggy and scattered, but they brought a feeling of peace to her. This vessel truly loved Cicero... and the fact that he followed orders to kill her-

      ...Mother bit her lips together and opened her eyes. She took Cicero's face into her hands to look him in the eye. "I order you to get yourself together," she said in a stern voice, "do you understand me?"

     Cicero's dim gaze lifted to meet hers. His breathing became deeper and he slowly corrected his stature to stand on his own.

     "Y.... yes, Mother... Cicero is... Cicero is at your service..." he mumbled.

     Mother released him and waded back to allow him to get his bearings. The clanking of the mineworkers began around the corner. The Innkeeper had mentioned that they should inquire there about their target. They'd have to be discreet now with the guards on high alert. 

     "I'm so sorry," Cicero rubbed his hand over his face as his brain was finally clearing up, "Crazy dreams... This sword," he lifted his other hand to touch the hilt of the blade over his shoulder, "... such madness it invokes within Cicero... such familiar thoughts..."

     "I know, hon," Mother replied leaning out from under the bridge to scope the surroundings, "That blade is cursed."

     " felt so good..."

     "I understand, Keeper, but I need you to refrain from using it," Mother glanced back at him.

     "I've never felt more alive!" he cheered finally looking fully awake.

     Mother motioned to him to keep his voice down. "Think of it as a dangerous drug. I don't want you to overdose on its power. I need you."

     "Yes, my Matron," Cicero's voice returned to his typical cheerful pitch, "As you wish. Cicero will refrain from using this... wonderful... warm... evocative-"

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