Chapter 035: Oathbreaker-part 1

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Note: This is one of several backstories inserted throughout Ancient Blood to give essential insight into a character's past and provides details that may not be explained directly in the main story but will be referenced. Each backstory is written in first-person and is multiple parts in length. These chapters tend to be longer than the main story chapters since they were once part of a standalone side story.

Disclaimer: Sage's backstory carries heavy lore bending and headcanon involving the Bosmeri culture. This is just for the sake of entertainment and development.

     I was thrown forward as something struck the back of my head

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     I was thrown forward as something struck the back of my head. I caught myself on the desk suddenly remembering where I was. Dad was standing over me with that typical scowl on his face, holding a book up in a threatening manner.

     "Somewhere out there, there's a tree working very hard to replace the oxygen that you consume. I think you should go apologize to it!" he growled and smacked me over the head again, "And to me for wasting my time!"

     "Yes, sir! Sorry, sir..." I grumbled and cringed in pain.

     He dropped the book on the desk in front of me and curled his lip, "To be a Spinner, you will have to work! Study! Learn! Use your mind! Work your brain!"

     "Yes, sir."

     "A Spinner can't be lazy!"

     "...but don't they like... just sit in the woods and meditate all day? I mean, they literally don't do anything but talk about Y'ffre."

     Dad gave me a sharp glare, "You may be fundamentally advanced for your age, yet you choose to act like a fool. I didn't raise you to be disrespectful, Nall. You want to screw around and throw your future away, then go to the detention hut where I don't have to look at you."

     I hesitated. Getting up to leave would only infuriate him more, but staying meant further abuse. I hated my training. Every day, it was the same thing. Read and review. I loved learning the history of my people... but not when it was demanded of me. Dad wanted me to make him proud but there was really nothing I could ever do to please him. Ever since I was a baby, he was shoving his teaching upon me. He had made it clear many times that I was the one to ruin his ambitions of becoming a proper Spinner simply by being born... so in his mind, it was my responsibility to take his place, whether I wanted to or not.

     Becoming a Spinner was the highest honor a Bosmer could ever achieve and very few trained for it so I was the only one in my class for this reason... and also because my dad was an asshole. Spinners were the wisest and most influential members of a village and were highly respected priests and advisers to the most powerful of leaders. They spun the tales of the Great Storyteller Y'ffre and enforced the Green Pact. It's even been said that they have the ability to alter events in time with their stories and that only they could save the Oathbreakers who betrayed the Green Pact and were imprisoned in the primordial Ooze... 

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