Chapter 066: The Distraction

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     Caravans of travelers from all around Skyrim were already flooding into the city of Whiterun. The temple of Kynareth was offering free healing to those judged worthy and people of all races, creeds, and ailments wanted a chance to be convalesced. More guards were patrolling the streets than usual along with some off-duty Stormcloak soldiers. This was expected, though. More people meant more security risks.

     Cicero chewed his lip and attempted to count and memorize the locations of each guard near the main gate. It shouldn't be difficult to blend in with the crowd, so long as nothing drew attention to them.

     "Can we get some beer after this?" Krow asked dusting some ash from his shoulder.

     "What is it with you and drinking?" Cicero asked while watching the migrating crowd, "What are you, like 12?"

     Krow glanced down at his body, running his hands down his chest, "I... I honestly don't know... but we're immortal so it doesn't matter, right?"

     "No, we're not," Rage interjected, "Your vessel already died once, remember?"

     "No... wait-" Krow squinted and stared off into space in thought, "Is that what happened?"

     "Juicy ass killed you."

     "Juicy who?"

     Rage motioned to Cicero's backside, "Mr. Know-It-All. He slaughtered your vessel. Stabbed ya right through the brain."

     "It's Mr. Knower, and it was the back of the neck," Cicero corrected passively, "Now pay attention. We need to move fast. Follow me and for the love of Mother, act normal."

     Krow straightened his back and saluted in an over-dramatic fashion. Rage brazenly adjusted her bosom while inspecting her cleavage. Cicero stared at them, his lips mashed together tightly as he sighed heavily through his nose. He turned and checked the guards one last time before strolling out to join a group of travelers approaching the gate. Amazingly, Krow and Rage fell in line and followed suit casually.

     Avoiding eye contact, Cicero and his students passed through the gate undetected. The mass of people funneled through the streets toward the Wind District where the temple of Kynareth was located. Cicero broke off from the crowd around the side of the guard barracks. When he was sure the other two had followed, he quickly moved up the ramp to the roof and dropped into a squatting position, drawing his blade. A single guard stood near the edge of the rooftop watching the crowd from above. His sword was sheathed and his back was to the ramp.

     Cicero turned to his students and motioned to them to stop and get low. Thankfully, they did as they were told. Rage's eyes widened and she smiled. She was excited to witness her teacher make a kill. Now, this was the kind of lesson she liked to see. 

     Cicero turned and crept up behind the guard cautiously before suddenly standing and tapping the man on the shoulder. The guard turned in confusion but was unable to react before Cicero plunged the dagger into his gut several times in succession.

     "Nice!" Krow exclaimed as the man's body dropped like a rock. 

     Cicero flicked the blood from his dagger and resheathed it. "Move him over there," he instructed, pointing to the other end of the roof. Rage and Krow eagerly did as they were told. Cicero noted that their sudden enthusiasm may be the result of actually getting down to business. They'd been so reluctant about learning the basic maneuvers of close combat training. However, he could whole-heartedly agree that practicing on a target dummy was not nearly as rewarding as spilling actual blood.

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