Chapter 062: The Mating Ritual of the Dovahkiin

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   "Lydia!" Jade yelled as she burst in the front door of her small abode, "Make yourself scarce. I've got company!"

     Lydia was sitting in a wooden chair by the fire pit at the center of the room. She lowered her book and glanced up.

     "Oh," Urf paused in the doorway, "I'm not staying, I was just-"

     Jade suddenly fell back against him in an overdramatic fashion, "Oh, my! A fainting spell! Please, Mr. Cock... if you would be so kind as to carry me in your strong manly arms upstairs to my safe warm bed..."

     Urf's natural look of confusion became more apparent as he processed the situation. He hesitated a moment before stooping slightly to pick her up. Jade threw her arm across her forehead and sighed to play up the damsel in distress facade. 

     Lydia didn't move an inch as she stared at the handsome young Nord carrying her thane like something right out of a romance novel

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     Lydia didn't move an inch as she stared at the handsome young Nord carrying her thane like something right out of a romance novel. It was no surprise that Jade was able to convince such a dashing specimen of a man to follow her home. As jealous as she was, Lydia was still impressed by the catch.

     "First door on the right," Jade instructed as Urf reached the top of the steps.

     "There are no other doors on the right..." he said confused.

     "Well... exactly."

     Entering the bedroom, Urf laid her down on the bed where she quickly flipped onto her side in a seductive position, propping her head up with her hand. Urf seemed to be busy looking at the various artifact weapons she had on the wall beside the bed. Jade shifted a little trying to get his attention again, adjusting her gown insecurely.

     "You sure have a lot of Daedric weapons," Urf murmured as he paced around the room inspecting the hoard.

     "You like Daerdic artifacts, Urf?"

     "Oh, yes," he glanced back at her, "I've got one, myself."

     "I see that," Jade winked at him.

     "You might recognize it," Urf unsheathed the blade and held it up with one hand, "Your little Imperial friend was using it."

     "Let's not talk about him," She ran her hand down her hip, "Let's talk about you."

     "I'm Urf of the Grey-Cock family."

     "Yes, you are..."

     A strange beat of silence passed between them. Jade stared at him waiting for him to say more, but nothing came.

     "Okay, then," she popped her lips, "Soo... how many dragons have you slain with that sexy weapon of yours?"

    Urf's face seemed to light up, "At least six! Two within the last week!"

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