Opening night:part 2

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Author Note:Fair warning  ,this is an explicit sexual chapter.

Astrid- thanks for wasting my fuckin time and energy tonight!

Astrid- You can get your shit outta of my place too you know!

Astrid- .. you left me for a drunken whore. Think about that when you go to bed.

Adam read these scolding messages as walked up the steps of Samantha's apartment, he turned his phone on silent after the last message. He knew Astrid was really trying to get a raise out of him to answer her at that point.

"Fucking brat." Adam groaned loudly walking up the staircase.

Adam knocked on Samantha's door twice, an waited for her.
He wanted to swing by and thank her for supporting him ,with a bouquet of roses he had received from a adoring
audience member. 

He had to back up several feet from the door in order for her..or ANYONE to see his face out the peep hole because of his height. He felt like a good little puppy dog with a metaphorical tail wagging  and waiting for his human to open the door.

12 seconds went by, 20 seconds went by, 35 seconds...

He slowly began to panic, thinking of the worse case scenarios.

He went back to the door, an began to flat palm hit it, making a smacking sound .


He yelled panicking.  He hoped she had even made it home safely. He hoped she didn't stop anywhere to get a bottle of alcohol. He recalled how sad she looked leaving the dressing room, anything is possible.

He took out his phone and started yelling commands at it.
Still not quite sure how tech or anything social work.


"SIRI , talk to Sam! Fucking siri help get Sam,  call her ..Siri call --"

The sound of hinges and locks cluttered and the door swung open frantically.

Samantha was so panicked an out of breath from running to the door. She  was in her bathrobe, yes, THAT bathrobe from earlier.

"Adam? Holy crap are you okay?! What's the matter?!!" She asked frantically all at once. To be completely honest she was expecting he had gotten stabbed or shot the way he was banging on her door, yelling for her. She also wouldn't had put it past Astrid to be involved..

"I came to surprise you with these, my intentions weren't to have you shit yourself, promise."
He explained, feeling rather badly about how she reacted to him banging on the door.
He held the bouquet up to her, she took the beautiful mix of red and pink roses..bringing the flowers up to her nose to smell, leaving only her big beautiful eyes visible behind the flowers.

"Well, you most certianly surprised me in more than one way. They're very beautiful." She sibitlated, easily forgiving him for frightening her.

"Where's Astrid?" She questioned 

He shrugged.
"I wouldnt know Sam, she's not mine to worry about anymore. I broke up with her after you left. I couldn't pretend that I loved her anymore. That wouldn't had been fair to her...or you.."

Her stomach did somersaults, her heart fluttered like a hummingbirds's heart,  her breath hitched all at the new found information.

"Or me?.."

"Would you like to come inside Adam?....." she asked faintly.

"Yes....Yes I would." He answered  truthfully in more than one way..

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