🎆•*Chapter three*•🎆

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"Y/N! When we beat these slayers, I think Lord Muzan will make you an uppermoon!""Wow! Really!?" You gasp, dodging the blond kids lightning breath

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"Y/N! When we beat these slayers, I think Lord Muzan will make you an uppermoon!"
"Wow! Really!?" You gasp, dodging the blond kids lightning breath.
"You healed me after putting your head back on! And I didn't even have to call Oni ch-"
"Don't say it!" I whisper to her. "They might hear and we might need backup!"
"Oh okay!" She says.
I look around, and I see the boar mask kid. His back is turned, and the opportunity is perfect. I send my vine flying towards him and it impales him in the chest.
"INOSUKE!!" The red haired boy yells. All of the slayers are close to death, and are all very tired and have fatal wounds, that must be treated within the hour.
You smirk and pick the boar boy up with your vines and yeet him across the street, into a building, causing an explosion that killed a few people.
"I-Inosuke! NO!"
You turn around to the Hashira, and as he throws his tiny bombs, you kick his arm, and as you jump back, your vines make contact with the small orbs and they explode. In the explosion, the dust is so thick, you seize the change and using your vines, you slice him into bits. He's dead, this arm is across the room, his head is at your feet, and his mangled torso and legs are scattered everywhere.
"NEE SAN!! LOOOKKKKK!!" You shout. The two other boys look and their eyes widen with fear and sadness. They were the only ones left.
You laugh, and the boys eyes flash with anger. "You lost because you're weak. And ugly! You're going to die anyway so why are you still trying!?"
"You'll never get away with this! Never!"she yells.
"Shut up! Y/N is talking, disgusting parasite!!" Daki yells, and slashes the boy with her belt, making a painful wound that would hurt like hell.
"Auggh! Nezuko...I need to protect nezuko...!" He says.
"Haah??? Your still trying to protect your sister??" You say.
"Y/N they're like us! Siblings! It's cute! RIGHT?" Daki squeals. "Can we not kill them?"
"We have to! Lord Muzan said so..." you reply.
"Nee-Dan go fund the blond boy and kill him pleaaase, I'll kill these two!!" You tell Daki.
She jumps off the building and heads across the destroyed town.
"Why? Why do you not give up? Why do you still stand to protect her?" You ask the boy.
"M-my name...is T-tanjiro Kama-a-do, a-and I'll always p-protect my sister, no m-m-matter what! I'll be there to h-h-help others weaker th-than m-m-me! My question...is f-for y-y-you! Why do h-hate humans? Why d-d-dies ur matter if they are weak or u-u-ugly!?" He asks, coughing up blood. His sister is cuddled up against him, and he has his hands over her protectively.
"Because they deserve to die! They...they...because...BECAUSE THEY JUST DO! THEY RUIN LIVES! Yes, they ruin lives...that's why...yes...they helped...me...us...become...BETTER!"
You say, crushing his arm with a vine.
You smash his leg.
You break his elbow.
You crack his nose.
"Demons can become stronger! And they can live longer! We can do whatever we want! We can be free! We can be happy!"
And with that, your vines wrap around him and his sister and crush them into an explosion of blood.

•*𝔰𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰!!*•(Y/N as Daki's sister!)Where stories live. Discover now