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"Lord, look what we have gotten for you!"

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"Lord, look what we have gotten for you!"

Daki set the bodies in front of him.

His mind seemed to ponder for a bit and then his pupils enlarged with fear.

You and Daki glanced at each other, confused.

"Reincarnated?! What! Does that mean....HE could reincarnate?! N-no!!" Muzan shivered at the thought of the dead sun hashira.

"AUGH!!" Daki yelled in pain as she was cut in three different places in just one blow.

"Daki!!!" You screamed.

"It is no use. I cut her and her head will fall within the moment." The swordsman calmly spoke.

"H-How dare you!!" You glare deathly at him, your upper one eyes gleamed harshly in the dim light of the moon.

This was probably it....

You were done for, but you weren't going down without a fight!

"Onee-sannn...." You croaked as your head started to chip away.

"Waaaahhhhhh!!!!! I'm so happy you were my sister!!! I'm sorry! I don't want us to die!!! Waaahhhhhhh!!!" Daki cried.

"What do you mean, 'we're my sister'? I am your sister! Nothing will ever change that!! We'll go to hell together, and I'll never leave you if we get reborn!!! I'll be your sister in every life, one after the next!!"

"WAAAHHHHHH! I love you so much Y/N!!!! WAHHHHHH!!!! I'm sorry!!!!"

"It's okay. I'm happy I got to live this life with such a beautiful sister."

And black engulfed your vision.

You died.

"OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDD!!! WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!!! UGHHHHH!!!" You smacked a pillow against your sisters head.

"STOOOOOPPPPP! You'll ruin my beautiful hair!!!" She got up and dramatically swished her hair in your face.

"Whatever let's go! Hurry!!! We'll be late!! Gyutaro already left!!"

Akaza was waiting outside your house and grabbed your bags as well as Daki's.

"You guys are late again!! I was waiting for like an hour!!" He complained.

"It was Daki's fault!!" You pointed at her.

Akaza threw her backpack back at her, and Nakime caught it.

"That's emo girl!!" Daki laughed at Nakime, who's hair always covered her eyes.

Nakime blushed a bit and you and Akaza 'looked' at each other.

"HURRY THE GATES ARE CLOSING!!!" Douma yelled, jumping over from behind you.

At the same time, two other boys jumped over as well, the police chasing after them.

"We made it!" Y/N grinned.

"AHHH! CLASS STARTS IN LIKE A MINUTE!!!" Daki dragged you across the hallway.

"Met up at Wisteria cafe after school!" Douma shouts as they shrink into ants.

THE BOOK IS.DOOOONNNNNE!!!! I'm sorry if you didn't like the ending lol...
It was yorichi or idk how to spell it btw who killed u.
ANYWAYS S thanks for the support throughout the entire short story!!!

•*𝔰𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰!!*•(Y/N as Daki's sister!)Where stories live. Discover now