🎆•*Chapter thirteen*•🎆

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Everyone always underestimates me

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Everyone always underestimates me...but then they turn their back and I'm like "BOO!"



Damn these girls were done for. Nobody who was seen close to me was ever seen unharmed after my 'girlfriend' felt with them. Tekura was about to start screaming again but she didn't have time to because all of the sudden she wasn't there anymore. She was nowhere.... What?! Then I heard a crash not to far away and some screams. After I stood there stunned, how Tekura crashed all the way over there, the two girls were across the meadow, grabbing handfuls of the blue spider lilies.


The girl with green eyes, Daki said;

"Shut up ugly child."


I ran over and grabbed their hands.

They just swatted my hands away and all of the sudden I was in the air.


I felt the wind whistling in my ears and when the impact of the building came, I felt like I'd never know pain again.

"Finally you're awake...!"

"Huh!! What?!" I ask. My vision comes back but it's still blurry and I can't really see.

Then the memories come flooding in to my brain.

"I just need you to answer some questions." The voice says again.

Then my eyes focus and the girl from before, Y/N is standing in front of me.

I feel hard ropes press into my flesh, my ankles, and wrists. Wait a minute...they were vines?! The thorns punctured my already damaged skin and I groaned in pain.

Y/N looked different, she was older and dressed ima different outfit...she also had words in her eyes.

Eyes: upper four what did that mean?! I'm scared! I've never been scared! Help someone! Anyone!!!


It took that little boy so long to wake up that I ended up battling Hantegu for his rank, which I got.

Bye finally woke up and he didn't even answer me!!

"So just answer my questions or else." You say.

"HELP! SOMEONE! ANYONE HEL-"-SHUT UP!" I finished, and pressed the vines holding him tighter into his flesh. He yelled in agony and I came closer to him.

"I said. Answer. My. Questions. Got. It?!"

He gulped and nodded.

"Ah okay good to know. I had asked him how to grow them and stuff. Thank Haru!!! The world will hate you for making demons practically immortal!!" I thank him sarcastically.

His eyes widen.


D-demons???? Well I guess there wasn't that many other options to what she was! I just never knew they would be real! And now I've helped them!! No...! Well it didn't really matter to me because....

"Since I h-helped you...can y-you just make the demos l-leave my a-alone for the rest of my l-life and l-let me g-g-go..? P-please...?!" I begged. How stupid she was! As long as they didn't harm me I could live an amazing life! I could hold power because of it!!

"Sorry but nah...!"

My blood ran cold.

"W-What do you m-me-mean?!" I screamed at her.

"I'll just kill you and your girlfriend." She simply answered.

"Tekura is alive?! Please sacrifice her for me!!"

"How selfish...Akaza would not like you treating your girlfriend like that...!"

"Who is th-that?!" I asked.

"I'm not gonna tell you...! Anyways, I'll be back in a second!"


IK SCARED! AHAHHAHHHHH!!!! I don't know what's happening!!!


I stop crying and turn to the voice, and scream...

I've been bolted to a wall for hours by an obi...and there have been scary creatures everywhere!!!

"Hello. I am Akaza. I happen to be waking by and you look like a pretty innocent girl who deserves better."

"I-I do! Please help me!!" I beg.

"I can help you! But we need to wait, because Y/N needs to talk to you."

"Who is that?! Your boss! Waaah!!! I don't want to die!!!"

"Don't worry you won't!!" He assured me.

I sniffle.

"Hi Tekura...I've come to give you news and an opportunity." Y/N says.

"What is it?"

"You know your "boyfriend"?" She asks.

"Yes! What did you do to him! Don't hurt him please!! You can't have him! He loves me only!!!" I yell.

She sighs sadly and comes closer to me.

"He offered you as a sacrifice for himself. He doesn't care about you. He was using you for your looks and reputation. He never loved you. He set you up yesterday so you would freak out of jealousy."

My eyes widen and the tears stream down my face.


I flinch. "B-but....?"

"I can turn you into a demon and you can get your revenge on that undeserving man!!" She grins.

"OKAY!!!" I shout.


The room's doors open shakily and a figure crawls into the room. I feel the vines around me fall to the floor.

I sigh in relief. Y/N finally came around!!

But when I look at the figure it's none other than my girlfriend.

"Tekura?! What???? We have to get out of here! Help me! I can't stand up!" I command her.

"Hee hee..." she cackles.

"Stop it! Help me up now, brat!"

But when she crawls from the shadows, her eyes are slits and she has sharp teeth, as well as two long a sharp stinger at both sides of her mouth, and she had long claws.

I'm frozen with fear.
She's a demon!!!!!!

•*𝔰𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰!!*•(Y/N as Daki's sister!)Where stories live. Discover now