🎆•*Chapter Five*•🎆

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"Your eyes look so pretty!!!" Daki compliments

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"Your eyes look so pretty!!!" Daki compliments.
"I know right?!" You say, admiring your eyes that both read upper seven.
"Anyways, what do we do now?" You ask.
"Hmmmmmm....I don't know...maybe we can just relax and take the night off!"
"Sounds good! Where should we go?"
"Let's go to the market and buy some new clothes!"
"YESSSS shopping spree!!" Daki agrees, exited.

"I really like this kimono!!" You say.
"Try it on!" Daki encourages.
"Okay, I'll be right back!"

"ITS GORGEOUS!" Daki practicality screams.
"It's even f/c!!" You say. "I'm going to buy it!"
"As you should!"

As you walk into the market, you see a strange hair coloured girl buying dango...but you don't think much of it as you walk to towards the jewelry stands.
"This pearl necklaces looks like those that Akaza wears on his ankles!" You laugh.
"Omg your right!" Daki giggles.

"Hey ladies, are you lost?" Asks a man, while you walk near a deserted area.
"No, we aren't, but thanks ig."
Suddenly he grabs your hand but you smack him in the face and kill him.
"Mmm!" Daki says after your done eating him.

"Wait...I smell...a marachi!" You say.
"Really!? Where! Let's go!"
You dash off, and Daki follows you.
There's an abandoned house, no it's just a house that's been attacked. You peer inside and see a demon, cowering over the marachi.
The demon senses you and daki, and turns around.

"More humans! How stupid! My dinner just keeps coming to me!" The demon laughs.
You release your human aura, and so does daki. The demon growls and yells; "This mirachi boy is mine to eat!"
You take out your eye contacts, and on cue, the demon stops and flees.

"Now let's eat!!!" You say.

"Ahhhhh the sun is rising! We gotta go!" Daki yells.
"Ok,ok,ok just wait a sec!" You say, as you finish off a demon slayer.
You both head back to the place you were staying in. You both gasp when Muzan was waiting there.

"Lord Muzan! What brings you here?" You ask, bowing.
"I've located where I want to attack next. I've informed the others, and gyokko and hantegu
(I don't know but I think that's how it's written????)
are also going there. It is where the corp is provided with blades, so without the sword makers, it will surely weaken them. I was wondering if you would like to go there, or not."

•*𝔰𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰!!*•(Y/N as Daki's sister!)Where stories live. Discover now