Where it begun part 1.

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Narrators pov
"Mommy mommy! Are we finally going to see mangle today?!" The young girl crawled onto her mothers bed. The mom sighed rubbing her temples. "I have to check in anyways so yes. You can see that walking lawsuit. Go get your brother." The little girl only 7 jumped with excitement. "Yay! Okay I'll tell him!" She raced to her 9 year old brothers room. "Jeremy! It's time to get up! We're gonna see mangle and the crew!" She shook his bed. "Just a few more minutes." He mumbled trying to fall back asleep. "No silly lets go now!" Jeremy sighed getting up and looking at his younger sister. "Alright fine. Let me get changed." "Yay!" The little girl ran to her room and grabbed her mangle plushie. "I wonder if the puppet will give me a new one." She smiled to herself. Even though the pizzeria was open for a bit, just a month ago the puppet gave her the plushie. She always wanted one but her mother never bothered to get it for her. She only ever expressed her emotion to her friend Charlie. Speaking of Charlie little (Y/n) hasn't heard from her in awhile. "Come on it's time." Her mother popped her head in. "Ok mommy!" She raced to the car getting in and couldn't contain her excitement even though she was just there 2 days ago.

When they arrived (Y/n) had ran straight to the pizzeria entrance almost falling in the process. "Is that Ms. (Y/n)." The girl turned to see a waitress she really liked. "Hi Mia!" She waved with a wide smile. "Hey (Y/n)! Are you here for mangle?" She nodded. "Well go ahead I'll tell your mother but I'm pretty sure she'll know where you are." (Y/n) giggled and then ran off waving to the animatronics on stage who simply just winked at her in return. "Mangle?" She peaked into kids cove to see mangle yet again all dismantled. "Aww mangle did the meanies do that again." Mangle looked at (Y/n) and nodded. "I just reassembled you the last time I saw you too." She pouted. "It's ok (Y/n) you always do it why not take a break today." The little girl nodded and the two talked and played. But (Y/n) noticed mangle was acting a bit off but before she could say something. "(Y/n) mom wants to know if your hungry?" Jeremy walked into the room. "Uhm yeah just a bit." (Y/n) stood up. "Ok the pizzas on the table." Jeremy had approached mangle and (Y/n) said a small goodbye walking to the doorway until she heard a scream and a sickening crunch. When she turned she screamed as well. There her beloved animatronic was biting the head off of her brother. The sound of footsteps racing to (Y/n) quickly faded in her mind. 'Mangle just needs help. That's all she needs. I can fix her. Like uncle Henry does.' She tried to run to mangle but a pair of arms grabbed her. She screamed and cried begging to be let down but the person still held onto her. She cried until the police came. Her mother held onto her also crying. (Y/n) was slowly falling asleep but before she could a yellow bunny popped into her vision giving her a simple wave before disappearing and then she fell asleep.

~years later~

(Y/n) was now 10 and had found a file in her moms office. 'Circus baby pizza world?... William afton?' She had wanted to find out more of this place since there weren't any blue prints of anything. At night she snuck out from her home tracking down the pizzeria and getting into it. She thought it would be easy from then but she had no idea there was a person working on the animatronics. She walked in and saw a pink and white Freddy. On his hand there was a blue bunny. He stood tall with his mic in hand. 'He looks like one of the toy animatronics.' (Y/n) thought to herself. She walked more and then saw a fox. No movement whatsoever. Something fell over making her jump as she turned to look. Nothing. 'Am I already going crazy?' She continued to walk around finding a ballerina animatronic and other tiny figures. 'There's nothing much to this place. Wonder why it closed the day it opened.' (Y/n) then walked into a room. She felt a somewhat familiar presence. In the center of the room stood the main animatronic. "Baby." (Y/n) voice echoed throughout the room. Just as she was about to walk forward something hard hit her head knocking her down. She blacked out immediately.

This person dragged her towards a table and placed her there. Tapping their chin thinking what should be done. They grabbed a knife until realizing who the girl was. "Oh your her daughter. It might be fair if I got rid of you since mine is also gone. But I'll keep you alive...." They walked to a counter filled with wires. "....with a little bit of the animatronics you love oh so much." They grabbed a wire and a knife. "I hope you can be motivated too. Just ask the Funtime animatronics. The don't like their controlled shocks either."

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