Moving forward

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It's been a few weeks since the incident with afton. After his screams died down I put the animatronics back together the best I could. I only learned about this with uncle Henry and that was when I was really young. Anyways I was able to put them on their usual spots and left. No cameras were on that night and I went to bed peacefully. Afton suffered the same fate he gave to those kids so now we can rest.

One day I overheard my mom on the phone. "Yes I know. I know that already! God do you know how hard it is to come up with another animatronic?! And for what is it again? A haunted Freddy's? Fazbear fright? Whatever same shit."

A haunted Freddy's? "Alright I'll deal with the new design of the animatronics after I deal with what we're doing with the pizzeria we already have. Oh you didn't hear? Yeah turns out there's been a odor in the pizzeria and no matter how many times we clean it there's still complaints." 'An odor?'

"Yes I know it could be from the animatronics but for some reason nobody wants to check them. Yes I could check them but when do I ever have time? The entertainment wants a statement in the next week. If I'm being honest I'll probably just tell them to destroy the place and focus on this new project."

I froze at this. 'Destroy the pizzeria?' I didn't stay to hear the rest as I ran to the pizzeria. When I got there I saw some people walk out holding there nose. 'I was just here the smell shouldn't be that bad.' When I walked in I couldn't smell anything but the people sitting there said otherwise.

Even the workers looked like they were going to puke. I sat near pirates cove and watched as people would come and quickly eat and leave. I hid backstage when the place was going to close. I got out but noticed the animatronics were still in place,

I was confused so I looked around. "You fucking bitch!" I was met with hands on my collar. It was Hailey. "Tell me where he is!" I was confused as she pushed me against the stage. "I don't know who you're talking about." I spoke startled.

She looked at me with such hatred. "My uncle. Where is he?" Still confused I shook my head. "I don't even know who your uncle is." She pushed me back. "William afton. Where is he?!" My eyes widened. "Y-you're related to him?"

She nodded. "You know where he is!" I shook my head. "Don't fucking lie to me!" I put my hands up. "Look I don't know what you're thinking but I have no idea where he is." She glared at me. "You're a liar! All my life he has spent his time focused on this stupid place. And you!" I made eye contact with her.

"I figured after Elizabeth then I would get the attention. But I never did. Instead it went to you. After your stupid brother died he just focused on you. And these animatronics. What's so important about a piece of metal and a traumatized piece of shit."

Instead of confusion, betrayal and anger was what I felt. "So all this time you were using me to get to afton?" Hailey nodded. "Did you really think that I would willingly be friends with someone like you? Come on nobody would want to be a friends with a freak like you. I mean you created mangle didn't you? That's who killed your brother. You're basically a murderer."

I rolled my eyes. "Says the person who's uncle was accused of multiple child murders." She folded her arms. "Yeah accused he didn't do them." "How do you know?" She started to stutter so instead of wasting my time I cut things short. "Look I'm going to tell you this and hopefully your little brain can understand it."

I spoke as I lowered my voice. "Nobody is going to try and find your uncle. He is gone. I'm sorry that now you're by yourself but guess what nobody likes a child murderer. And you can't blame a 5 year old for wrong programming. So why don't you walk out of here cause the only thing you're doing is embarrassing yourself by throwing a tantrum."

She glared at me before huffing and leaving. I sat on the stage letting everything set in. I lost who I thought was my friend and now I'll lose everyone else. The animatronics came to life. I was met with a hand on my head.

"Did you know?" I asked. Turning I saw Freddy and he looked down. Nobody said anything giving me my answer. I exhaled looking down. "W-we just wanted you to experience having a friend." Chica tried to defend them. "Even though it was fake?" I looked at her. "You all knew that too, right?"

Silence again. "I didn't need you guys to give me something fake." I slightly raised my voice. "Lass we just wanted to give ye something that everyone should have." Foxy spoke. "But you guys are my friends. I don't need kids my age to be my friends. They've all hated me for an idea that I had when I was 6."

I scratched my head. "I don't need you guys always protecting me." It was when Bonnie spoke when I froze. "(Y/n) we all know what's going to happen to us." I shook my head. "No. It's not going to happen." "(Y/-." "No!" I looked down. "It can't happen. I don't want it to."

Narrators pov

(Y/n) looked down knowing how defeated she looked. The animatronics felt bad for her. They did have good intentions but it didn't end well. "I understand it can be hard but it's the truth what's going to happen and we both know nobody can stop them." Freddy spoke. (Y/n) tried to argue back but what Freddy said was right. The pizzeria was going to be destroyed wether they liked it or not.

So they all sat in silence. Nobody wanted or knew what to say. "Thank you." (Y/n) voice startled the animatronics. "Thank you guys for being my friends." She looked at them. Freddy gave her a side hug as the others came. They all didn't want to admit it but this was most likely the last night they would all be together. So why not have a last slice of pizza to say goodbye.

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