A bad encounter

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(Y/n) pov

Well let's just say it's been hell in my house. My moms been mainly at work so I've been having to take care of myself. Nothing really new but the pizzeria had to shut down for a bit because of it. I couldn't even sneak in cause police were everywhere. I felt bad knowing the animatronics were left alone but these were the consequences for my actions.

Hailey had been somewhat talking to me during school. It was enough to the point where it felt like we were partners doing a project instead of actual friends. But at least I wasn't really alone during school. She kept asking me about the whole situation but I just told her I didn't know. It wasn't really shocking for her to ask since the whole school was taking about it. Usually when something happens with Fazbear entertainment people realize I'm an actual person and try to get to know what happened. At first I thought people were actually interested in me but when the situation died down they just left. So for Hailey to start coming around isn't really surprising. I also started to wonder why I haven't heard anything about her last name. I might not pay attention that much during the classes I have with her but I'm pretty sure the teacher just says her first name. Even substitutes for roll call always just say Hailey. 'Weird.'

Finally today the pizzeria was free from reporters and cops. So I decided to sneak in at night. After sneaking into the backstage I felt a strange aura. It was a really strong sense of anger but I wasn't sure where it was coming from. When I opened the door I was shocked to see a man sitting in the main room. I immediately went to close the door thinking it was someone from Fazbear entertainment but he stopped me. "I know you're there." I exhaled dreading the lecture that was to come. I walked and was kind of shocked to see a familiar guy. I couldn't really tell where I've seen him but he was definitely not from Fazbear entertainment or at least not as of now. "Well if it isn't the wonderful Ms. (Y/n)." His voice sent shivers up my spine. "Last time I saw you, you were a little girl. Well that was when I was allowed to see you. The actual last time well it was quite a shock wasn't it." I froze. How did he know this? Unless he was the one who did it. "Ah that face. That face of realization." He laughed. "You broke into circus baby when I happened to be there. Ah youth. Such a precious thing. Even more precious when it's destroyed." He stood from his seat. "Now little (Y/n) do you remember who I am?" I gulped. "Ah no need to be afraid I won't hurt you unless I have to. Now I'll ask again. Do you remember me?" I shook my head. "Now that's your mothers doing. Ever since your brother she's been wanting to erase me from your mind. I don't blame her but oh does it hurt since my own daughter." My eyes widened.

"Y-you're William Afton." He smiled widely. "Now that's just amazing! But I'm pretty sure you remember me from the missing kids and not the other memories." I shook my head. "What do you want?" I glared at him. He chuckled. "Oh don't get angry now. I just want to talk." I kept my eyes locked on him as he sat back down. "Now tell me about my son. How is he?" I huffed crossing my arms. "I don't know what you're talking about." He laughed. "Oh don't play stupid. I've known for awhile I mean after all I'm his father. So how's Michael?" I staid quiet. "You know that day. The day poor little Jeremy got his life taken away." I looked down. "That should've been you." I froze. "I thought it was right. I studied you for days but that one day and at the wrong time Jeremy got in the way. I could've killed you." "Then why didn't you?! After that I was completely vulnerable and it's not like I grew up to be anything good and my life is complete shit!" I shouted at him. "I should've if I'm being honest. I didn't realize you would be such a pest when your older." He rubbed his temples. "I'm the pest for helping the kids that you murdered?!" I scoffed. "Oh so leaking out information and stealing my son is helping?!" He finally shouted back. "Your son left you on his own and I don't even know sometimes if I'm helping or hurting these kids!" It went quiet after that.

"You're not helping these kids. No matter how hard you try your just a girl who was supposed to die years ago. Jeremy would've been successful right now. He would've lived a great life and get out of this town. But no his stupid sister is the one living and is nothing more than just a disappointment." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I know! I get it I'm not the perfect daughter hell even at 7 I was probably such a shit sister! But I'm trying! I'm trying to live a good life by helping these kids rest." He stood up. "The only way for them to rest is for me to go." He chuckled. "That's not happening." I noticed something shiny in his hand. He started walking closer to me. "You can't hurt me. The camer-." "Are off cause I turned them off before I came here." I gulped. "But don't worry. I plan to torture you a bit before your actual death." In a quick motion his and swung out. I didn't think that he did anything but I lost my vision in my right eye.

I was confused until I felt warmth on my cheek. I lifted my hand and touched it. Looking at my hand I saw red. Why was I bleeding. I heard him laugh but it sounded muffled. When I looked at the ground there was something on the floor mixed with blood. 'Is that an eye?' My knees weakened and I dropped to the floor. 'Did he cut out my eye?!' The pain started to set in and only then the horrifying realization came. The only thing I could do is cover my eye. I didn't notice when Afton left. I didn't notice when the animatronics came to check on me. And I didn't notice when my mother came. She took me to the backstage and started to go through things. I could hear her mumbling. "Would this work? Isn't this the one afton worked on? Who cares it's a blue eye and it's not like we use it for any of the animatronics. The last one was Fredbear."

And now I have the eye of Fredbear. It's very uncomfortable but mom says it's to make me look 'normal.' Yeah right I had (e/c) eyes yesterday and now one blue eye. Great thinking mom. But it's done now. I lost an eye to afton. When I came back the next day the animatronics were very worried for me but at the same time kind of mad. "Afton is very dangerous (Y/n). You should've never gotten close to him." Freddy lectured me. I just nodded the whole time and leaned into Foxy. But it was when golden Freddy came when I really paid attention. "(Y/n) you didn't listen to me when I told you to not be reckless with the information. I even allowed you to take the papers believing you wouldn't do something like leaking information." I looked down. "I'm sorry." "You put yourself in danger and now look at you. I hope this will teach you to be more careful next time." I nodded. "Guys she was trying her best." Chica said. "Yeah by trying to get herself killed." Bonnie said earning a glare from the others. "I'm trying guys. I really am. You guys know I don't have any friends and the only people I talk to is you guys basically. I hardly have a relationship with my mom. So I'm sorry I put myself at danger. I'm just doing what I think is right." It went quiet. Then a hand went on my head. It was Freddy's. "Thanks (Y/n)." I smiled and nodded. It was a nice time.

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