The end

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(Y/n) pov

I'm not sure if I'm going nuts but that's the only thing that makes sense in my mind. I hated this. Then what became of Micheal? Uncle Henry? How the hell was Afton back?! That bastard planned everything out for him didn't he? Even in death he wants his soul or part of it to be inhuman.

It wasn't until when I was checking all my devices when they turned all glitchy then a rabbit came onto the screen. With its red eyes it stared at me. I dropped it backed up. Who the fuck is that? Why is there more people?! Why is everything turning against us now?! And what's with Freddy not being like them?

So many questions surrounded my head. This was way to insane. At least I'm not trapped in one room. But everything was done for. All systems weren't working. I hoped Freddy charged. It wasn't until the doors slammed open startling me. "V-Vanessa?" She walked in dragging Freddy. "Put him in the cylinder and make sure he can't move." I gulped a little but nodded. Her voice reminded me of that rabbit.

I set up Freddy and removed his head. He was charging so it'll take a couple of minutes before he wakes. "You haven't seen the kid right?" I shook my head. "I only went to the gift shop cause I got bored other then that I've been here." I lied. "Have you seen a rabbit out there?" She rolled her eyes at me. "Don't be stupid. Me and you both know the only rabbit here is long gone." She snickered.

Soon Freddy woke. "I found that kid earlier and put him in lost in found." Vanessa explained. "That's great he can be returned to his parents." Freddy responded. "That's just it. There's no record of him." My eyes widened slightly. No record of him? "That's unfortunate. If you would re attach my head I will go look for him now." I could see how Vanessa was glaring at Freddy. "His name is Gregory. You know how I know that? His Fazwatch kept repeating it. In your voice 'Gregory are you there? Gregory.'" She mimicked him.

"But Vanessa the watches are programmed to be Freddy's voice. That's how I designed them." She glared at me. "If your part of this your scrap. Monty will run the show until (Y/n) can slap your casing on a new Endo. Hang out here and (Y/n) don't let him out of your sight." Vanessa started to walk away. She's different. This isn't her. The door opened and it was Gregory. "Oh thank god." I sighed in relief.

"What happened to Freddy?" Gregory asked. "Routine maintenance." I responded as I got on the computer and opened the cylinder. "I'm glad to see your alive Gregory." Freddy spoke. "Relax Freddy I'm going to re attach your head." I said. "Please be careful I'm not quite myself at the moment." Freddy warned. I nodded. "Gregory go out." I told him. He got out and I started to work. It was simple after awhile of working on these animatronics.

"There's so much tech stuff in here." Gregory spoke looking around after I got out Freddy. "Is there anything I could use to stop the other bots?" He asked. "Bright lights cause the bots to malfunction for a bit. Maybe a fazerblaster or a Faz cam." I explained. "Where do I get one?" I let Freddy answer. I swear I'll go insane with how many times I'll have to say Faz.

Gregory went up to the doors to the rooms. "All this stuff for the other animatronics. We could upgrade Freddy!" He smiled. It's not like I haven't thought about that but it's more about me respecting Freddy's feelings. "Gregory those belong to my friends. I would never do anything to hurt them." Freddy said. "But all they've done is try to hurt me. They get what they deserve." Gregory huffed.

"There's something wrong with their programming. Someone else had to mess with it. I created all the bots here and they certainly didn't act like this when they first were here. That is of course until that incident." I looked down. "But since you guys will be off. Here Gregory." I handed him a little button. "Only use it in case of an emergency. It'll also affect Freddy sadly so it has to be a life or death situation."

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