New horror

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Narrators pov

Two days after (Y/n) had seen the animatronics Fazbear entertainment announced the pizzeria was closing down. (Y/n) mom forced her to come with her to check out the new location. It was pretty messy and dark. (Y/n) walked off as her mom argued with some people. She frowned at the sight of her old friends faces.

She grabbed mangles and stared at it. Not sure of what to think she gently placed it back. The hallways basically lead to nowhere and everything was just messy. Random animatronic heads and arcade games. Even the vents were huge. Curious she climbed through one not knowing nor caring if she could get hurt.

She climbed through mentally taking notes of where everything led to. But they all went one place. Where the office would be. She climbed right through looking at everything. 'There's definitely a night guard for this place.'

'Get Michael.'

After weeks Evan finally spoke. Getting the hint (Y/n) agreed. "What the hell do you think you're doing." (Y/n) jumped at her moms voice. "Get in the car." (Y/n) quickly left. Right when she got inside the car she made sure no one was looking and made a quick call.

"Are you looking for a job? Well you kind of have to now. Fazbear frights, I can hack you into the system. Alright."

And like that there was a night guard. (Y/n) had put in a fake name but kept the name mike. And well mike had his first night already. It was an easy night since there was no animatronics but that all changed when the workers destroying the pizzeria were met with a certain Bonnie animatronic.

(Y/n) was dragged back again by her mom but this time (Y/n) was needed badly. "We need you to go through here and tell us what you think." One of the workers spoke to the girl.

(Y/n) didn't really have a choice so they put her at the entrance and the other workers went to the office.

(Y/n) pov

This is such a stupid idea. I rolled my eyes. They turned off all the lights besides a few that faced the wall. I sighed and started walking. I already knew how to get to the end so all I had to do was avoid this new animatronic. Mom never told me what it was. Shouldn't be that scary.

I kept walking and it took about a minute until I felt someone watching me. I looked around but couldn't see anything due to the darkness. It wasn't until I took a step when I heard the sound of metal. Was this the new animatronic.


I was a bit confused by Evan but when I turned around and I could finally see a figure. It took a bit for my eyes to adjust and when it did my eyes widened. It was the spring Bonnie suit. I took a step back. "Why try to run? You gave me this body. And now I want to give you the same treatment." Just as I was about to run he grabbed my wrist. He's grip was really tight it started hurting. I kept wondering why I couldn't hear any of the workers.

"They cant hear nor see us at the moment. So they won't be able to find out how you die." I struggled against his grasp. He already took my eye I'm not giving him the pleasure of breaking my arm. He seemed to get the hint as his grip tightened. I groaned in pain. It wasn't until I heard footsteps when he loosened his grip.

Sure enough the workers got the cameras back on and saw what happened. They turned on all the lights and moved back the stupid spring trap. They all started talking about how to fix it. Don't mind my bruised arm. I rolled my eyes as my mom gave me the keys for the car again.

I closed the door and left micheal a message to alert him for his upcoming night. I looked at my hand and it was all purple. Thank god he didn't break it. I waited another hour and my mom finally said it was time to go.

When we got to the house I wrapped my arm and laid down for a bit. This was not how I imagined my day to go. I overheard my mom telling someone that they'll have to hold off on opening the place for a bit.

Does it hurt?

"Just a little. But it's mainly numb then anything." I answered Evan. I sighed and laid on my bed and I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

~little time skip~

I woke up to tapping on my window. I squinted my eyes and saw a figure. I sat up and was about to grab something to attack this person but I realized it was Michael in his disguise. I sighed in relief and open my window. "Do you know how weird it is for a grown ass man tapping on a 15 year olds window." He rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't have to if you answered your phone."

"Sorry I had a hell of a day." I showed him my arm. "Well you're gonna have a hell of a night." My eyes widened as I realized what he meant. "Oh fuck no!" He shushed me. "I'm not going back in there. Are you fucking crazy!" I whisper shouted. "If I go there by myself with my father there I'll die very easily. Between having to fix the camera and audio and making sure he's away from me."

I sighed and before I knew it we were driving to fazbear frights. I still couldn't believe I got dragged into this. When we got there Micheal sat down. "Ok so you take care of fixing everything and I'll handle making sure my father is away. Did they even give his animatronic a name?" I shook my head. "No but I gave him a name. Spring trap."

He didn't say anything and nodded. It was midnight so now a job I didn't even sign up for was starting. It started off pretty slow. I almost fell asleep twice but when it hit 3 am that's when things started going. Mike was able to keep spring trap away but when it hit 4 the audio started malfunctioning. It took forever to fix and when it did spring trap was near a vent.

Then for an hour it was spring trap going back and forth from the vent but spring trap ended up going into the vent. Mike had blocked it and when spring trap got out of the vent thankfully it hit 6 am. When we walked out I looked at Mike. "How the fuck are you able to do this shit?" He chuckled at me. "If your goal is that strong then you're willing to do anything. Isn't that why your still here?"

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