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(Y/n) pov

Mom came home in a panic today. She was in a full on panic attack and I didn't know why. I had to call the ambulance. I made out a few words from her and I think I got it. I'm pretty sure with things coming back to light some of the families from the missing kids contacted her. Maybe for another lawsuit.

When they took her I decided to pay Michael a visit. It's been a few days and now I have a new look. And a friendly voice.

'Is Michael happy?'

That is the voice of Evan afton. With my eye being from Fredbear apart of Evans soul latched onto it so now instead of Cassidy that I hear. I can hear Evan.

"Not really. There's a few days where he smiles and sometimes laughs but overall no." I responded. Michael still was at the same place. Not that he can go anywhere anyway.

Right before I opened the door i mentally prepared myself for the smell. " 3, 2 ,1." With that I opened the door and of course the smell took over. I try not to show it but sometimes it just happens.

The house was still dark and the only light was from the tv playing that same drama over and over. "Are you ever going to find a new series?" My voice startled him as he sat on his couch. "(Y/n)?"

I smiled. "Long time no see." I closed the door behind me. "Y-you look different." I nodded at him as he got up. "You can blame your father for that."

He got closer to me. "How did he?" "He stabbed my eye. Mom found out and put Fredbear eye in to look 'normal'." He nodded not questioning it. He sat back down and I sat across from him.

'He really does look different.'

"How has the pizzeria been? I heard the fiasco. You caused it right?" I nodded at Michael. "I had to and I guess I got what I deserved for lying to the kids." He looked down. "I haven't seen my father ever since Evan died basically. And here you just leak out information and here he comes."

I sighed as it got quiet. "He wanted me dead." I spoke. "Instead of my brother, he wanted me. All these years I wondered why I was still alive and I found out it was all because of bad timing." I looked at him. "My brother would've done better than me."

"Same with me. Evan would've been way better. But if he were here. Who would help these kids besides me? No one. I know life can be hard and difficult. I mean for god sake I killed my little brother. But you've stuck by me even knowing that. So even though you want nothing to do with life I'm grateful that you're still here."

I sat in silence until an idea hit me. "I'm going to stop afton." I stood up. He looked at me. "How are you going to do that." I looked down. "Since he's shown himself I feel like he'll try something with the animatronics. Why don't I set up a trap for him if he does." Michael stared at me. "What will you do?"

I exhaled. "That suit. The spring lock. Spring Bonnie." I smiled. "Spring trap. He has an obsession with that suit right? If he goes in he will get back to that suit. Spring locks react to water." Michael started to understand what I was saying and nodded. "It's dangerous if you're caught from either my father or one of the workers."

I nodded. "Well I have to go and start right away. I'll come back if anything happens." I waved and ran out.

'This is dangerous (Y/n).'

"I don't care. As long as I can get him back and let him have a taste of his own medicine I'll take it."

I started running to the pizzeria. I didn't care as to how early it was. I knew he was coming and I had to get him. Not just for me but for Micheal and the kids.

I was able to sneak into backstage. I checked where golden Freddy was and sure enough spring Bonnie was still there. I sighed in relief. I can do this. There was always an extra bucket here just incase. I grabbed it and went back out.

I went to the park where only a few people were. I filled up the bucket about halfway. It wasn't until I heard footsteps and quickly turned. "(Y/n)?" It was Hailey. I looked at her. "I haven't seen you in awhile. Is everything okay?" I looked down. "Yeah things are fine just have to stay home for a bit." I tried to walk away.

"What happened to your eye?" I sighed. "Nothing for you to worry about." I spoke trying to sound nice. "That doesn't look natural (Y/n)." I took a deep breathe. "Hailey don't worry about me at all. I am perfectly fine. I don't need anyone to worry about me."

I know it was harsh but I needed this plan to work. I walked away right after sneaking back into the backstage. "Whatever you're doing stop." I heard Cassidy. I sighed as I grabbed the rope nearby. "You'll thank me later."

~time skip~

It took me a bit but it's done. There's currently a bucket of water hanging by a rope in the center of the room. The rope comes all the way near the backstage door. I hung it across the wall so you'd have to really be looking to find it.

I left to the park from before. This time weirdly no one was there. Not even any homeless people. It was just empty.

'Something strange is going to happen.'

"I know. I know. It's gonna change everything isn't it?"

'I think it will.'

"We'll just have to sit and wait." I sat on a swing set and watched the sunset.

Narrators pov

As midnight rolled around an unexpected visitor came to the pizzeria. Said visitor sparked anger into all animatronics. They all left their usual spots to find this visitor only for them to be dismantled one by one. However this visitor didn't realize what he was releasing.

The spirits of the children cornered him. He ran into the backstage area not even hearing the door of the pizzeria opening up. He slowly backed up and then realized the spring Bonnie suit was there. He hurriedly put it on and when he did he laughed in the spirits face.

His laughter was cut short when he saw a glowing blue eye and then screams erupted. Blood painted the floor and now he finally became just like the kids he killed.

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