My mind is practically buzzing as I rush around my more than messy room, cursing as I trip over a stray pant leg. Regardless, I continue my frantic attempt at packing, knowing if I don't, I'll be literally shoved off a cliff.
I'm late. My alarm hates me, and so does Coach. And probably Melly.
I've received a call from each of them in only the last 10 minutes, each of them asking where the hell I am. To which, I responded with a measly 'I slept in. I'll be there in 20.'
Yeah, I might just be killed anyway.
Shoving my feet into a pair of sneakers, I heave my heavy bag onto my shoulder, grabbing a few belongings as I race out of my extremely dirty place. I completely ditch the idea of waiting for the elevator, instead hurdling myself down the 3, winding flights of stairs. I burst out into the sharp, cold, morning air, breaking out into a run. I finally reach my car, jumping into the drivers seat and throwing my bag into the back. The car rumbles to life as my keys make contact with the ignition, and I take a glance at the dashboard. From my previous calculation, I have precisely... 3 minutes to get to campus before my ass gets beat back to last century.
I don't take a spare second to think as I put the car into reverse, pressing on the accelerator just as quickly as I lurch into the thankfully quiet street. Well, not that I would really expect the streets to be jam packed and alive at 6:30am on a random Friday morning.
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat as I drive through the winding streets connecting to the lush grounds that surround campus. A soft buzzing erupts from my phone which is sitting in the centre console, so I reach towards it, accepting the call before I even look at who it is.
"Whitlock." A smile tugs at the corners of my lips, my heart already thudding at the simple sound of Melanie's voice.
"Hello Melly."
"Where the fuck are you? Everyone else is on the bus, we were supposed to leave 3 minutes ago!" I pull into the first empty parking spot that I can find, reaching behind me to grab hold of my far-too heavy bag.
"I'm sorry, I've just pulled up now, I'll be there in like... 1 minute." I break out into another run, bypassing a group of kids lounging in the awakening sun. Melanie grumbles into the phone, though it turns into a laugh when I hear her conversing with someone else.
"Coach says you're doing a butterfly set the second we get back home tomorrow." I curse under my breath as I round a final corner, the large, white bus looming in the staff carpark. I sprint the last few metres, crouching down to throw my kit bag underneath the bus before slamming shut its door. I stand from my position, walking to the doors of the bus and jumping up the steps.
Once I'm inside, I'm met with a frenzy of cheers, all celebrating my very belated arrival.
"Glad you could join us, Whitlock." I mutter out an apology as I pass by Coach, careful not to meet his probably rage-filled gaze.
I feel a mass of eyes closing in on me as I walk down the aisle of the bus, although mine head straight towards her. More importantly, the only empty seat left on the bus, which, conventionally, just so happens to be next to her.
She removes the phone from her ear as I edge closer towards her, breaking out into a slow, prolonged clap.
"Well done Whitlock, so glad that you didn't miss the bus." Melanie giggles softly as I too remove my phone from beside my ear, where I'd forgotten it. I fall down into the vacant seat beside her, grinning softly. Although she means to sound sarcastic, just like she used to, I know she doesn't mean it with the same under-tone anymore. Too much has happened this year, too much has brought us together, forced us to create a bond.
RomanceMelanie Flores isn't one to loosen the shackles guarding her heart easily. She keeps herself cautious, and never says yes to an all strings attached love affair. She believes the easiest way to save yourself from heartbreak is to forget about it alt...