Getting Along With Them

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Hajime went back to otose's snack shop to meet up with young shinpachi and Kagura. While Hajime was walking with young Kagura and Shinpachi, he felt weird. Hajime is an amanto from an unknown planet, he can't even figure out where his abilities come from. He finds it easy to get used to things, but for now, he needs to focus on getting close to young kagura. Wait until the altana turn orange.

"Hajime-Kun, I'm sure you know most of the places here in Kabuki, no?" Young Shinpachi asked, "yes, I guess sometimes". Hajime checked his left for confirmation. 

"Is this what a stalker feels like?" Kagura complained. Nobume and Kagura were tailing Hajime while trying to blend in as much as they can. They were wearing a light wool robe and wide straw hats to conceal some of their features, especially Kagura.  "keep in touch with our surroundings as well". Nobume checked her watch. "The dot is still green, they must be still working on other things" Nobume mentioned. 

Hajime, young Shinpachi, and young Kagura stopped at an ice cream stall. Nobume and Kagura were not too far away from them, they blended with a crowd while never losing their sight at Hajime. "You sent a message to that kid right?" Nobume asked, "yeah, I told him to guard my past self at night. Once he feel that something's wrong, he'll call us immediately then". Kagura explained.


Kagura and Nobume stayed in a small rental place that is almost right in front of the snack shop.  Kagura was looking through the window, feeling uneasy. Nobume eyed Kagura. She approached the concerned girl by doing the same thing. Kagura noticed her friend's worry and smiled warmly in response. "Nobu, you know it's funny how we can just revisit our past like this", Kagura stated, "Yeah, It's like a luxury trip that only billionaires go to when they're bored, but it's the least thing we could worry about. That reminds me, I wonder what your stupid brother is doing right now" Nobume said.  

Kagura smiled at Nobume teasingly. "Don't tell me- are you worried about him? I can't believe how much you've coped with him, Nobu"  Nobume clicked her tongue, "I am worried that he might do something reckless and stupid", "yeah, I understand, bakamui is bakamui, but for you to be thinking about him- you two must be so close" Kagura grinned. Nobume groaned and gave Kagura a blank stare in response. Nobume went to a bed and sat down, "not just Kamui, another asshole is with us, but I guess it would seem that he will only bother you" Nobume said to make a comeback to Kagura while wearing a little grin. "tsk. Whoever that'll be, I'll beat that bastard up" kagura replied. 

Yorozuya Residence...

"Can I sleep on your couch, Gintoki-san?" Hajime asked while pointing at the couch, "As long as you don't do anything that'll cause trouble, you got that?" Gintoki scratched his head, "If you want to, Haji-kun, you can use Gin-chan's room instead!" Kagura exclaimed, "hey!".

10 minutes later...

Gintoki-san's already sleeping, and small Kagura-neesan's in the bathroom...  Hajime was laying on the couch with a pillow and blanket. He felt a small vibration on his wrist, leading him to reveal his hidden watch to read a message;

Aimi: #All Please don't let your past selves be killed. You know the risks. Remember the plan and be careful... That's it! Have a pleasurable night,,, especially here ♥︎.                          //-5 boost//

...I wonder where Sou-nii and Toushi-san are.                                                                                                        The boy suddenly heard young Kagura leave the restroom and hid his watch. I should use this chance!  He sat up, pretending that he just woke up by rubbing his eye.

When the young Kagura saw that Hajime was awake, she smiled went over to him. "You should better sleep now for tomorrow or else that old hag might scold all of us here.             Hajime looked at her innocently, "hm?", "Oh yeah, you're right". 

"Whatever, Haji-chan, get a good night's rest-", Young Kagura was about to get in her closet. She was suddenly stopped by a small hand, gently pulling her shirt "Kagura-chan, wait". "What is it? Are you scared or something?", She asked, Hajime reached out for his pocket. He pulled out a piece of Altana and showed it to Young Kagura, "wow what is that shiny thing? It kinda looks familiar", "My brothers gave this to me before, keep this a secret, but-", Hajime looked at Kagura, he lifted his other hand with only his index finger pointing to the ceiling, "Do you know that if you beg while touching this shiny rock, a magical food elf that will give you one food that you like everyday!", young Kagura's eyes shined brighter and immediately took the altana from Hajime. "IF YOU SAY SO!" young Kagura exclaimed. 

  Young kagura held the altana with both of her hands- bringing it closer to her mouth to whisper on it while sitting on the couch with Hajime. "Please sukonbu please sukonbu please sukonbu please sukonbu" , she murmured. Hajime dropped a sweat, lucky me, though it's sad how Kagura-nee used to be this gullible. He watched the altana on young Kagura's hand, looking on it fiercely, he did try his best to get this far. 

Hajime's eyes widened when the altana turned into a darker shade of its pale color, this is it, he thought, but suddenly, "Ouch! It burned my palm", young Kagura immediately tossed the altana to Hajime, who suddenly lost his focus. Young Kagura was shaking her right hand to ease the pain, she looked at Hajime then the altana, "whatever the heck happened, it seems that the magical food elf is pissed. You go continue to summon that thing out, I'm going to bed". Young Kagura turned her back on Hajime and went inside her closet. 

Hajime didn't say a word after what happened. He looked at the altana on his hand. The altana turned to a soft golden appearance in color. "It's working" he whispered. He lifted a corner of his lips, "but it's gonna be harder than it seems", he put the altana back in his pocket and pulled out his watch. 

Hajime: #All Young Kagura-nee here made contact with our altana a bit, it seems that it burned her while holding it for some time, the altana didn't turn orange, but it changed its color.  //-5 boost//

Somewhere in a cave...                                                                                                                                                    9:55pm

"You know we're being followed".     A man sharpening a dagger stated as a man with drab skin color approached him. They both gave each other a threatening look, "who do you think it was?", "who knows, but if we don't act quickly, it surely will wreck things", he turned his back and walked out of the cave. "Don't worry-- even if this one fails, a new fresh flock awaits, but I'll kill them before that happens". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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