2 • 第二章 • 2

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"Yeah, he did... If I'm being honest, then I'm pretty neck-in-neck with excitement and nervousness," the organization spoke though the flip phone.

A mutter through the other line later, he started speaking again sarcastically. "Yeah, sure. If and only if I-well somehow got a hold of yours. I'm pretty- uhm- unsurprised you got it early."

In the middle of the other line responding, he heard a "beep beep" noise coming through the device. Great, low battery. He then began to speak again.

"Erm, yeah... Phone's in low battery. Mind if I hang up?"

As soon as he said that to the other line, someone started knocking on his office door. His eyes widen and immediately attempted to end the call. "Please give me a moment... Okay bye- thanks, Euro!"

ASEAN cuts the line off, immediately shutting the flip phone and sliding it on the table. His tone started to become more serious as he said, "Come in."

The doorknob twitched and the door opens, and revealed to be on of his members at the doorstep. Red and white flag with a crescent and 5 stars as part of a halo. After recognizing the country-state wearing a classic polo shirt, the organization then asked, "How may I help you exactly, Singapore?"

"Just informing you that Malaysia and Indonesia accidentally broke one of the vases downstairs, other than that, it's more of a checkup," the country responded.

The organization sighed. "Yeah, everyone destroying at least one thing not really as much a surprise anymore. This happens almost every week now... What are you checking up on anyway?"

"You..? What else should I be checking up on in this situation? The weather? I'm not a weatherman or whatever they're actually called, lah."

"Okay, you can stay and check up on - yeah okay," he muttered. "I literally haven't done much today ever since Phil told me."

"Oh right, yeah he told me he did tell you about the United Nations... thing," the Singaporean stated. "I mean... Do you like it? Knowing you for a while now, it might be a hard situation for you since... You know..."

"Yeah... But like, I really don't know if I can handle that much of a responsibility, if I don't respond to it by then it will be gone," the organization muttered, but suddenly his voice started to get higher. "However, if I get accepted then it's going to be huge for me! I- I just didn't want to be known everywhere as this person who is just a face of a region..! The opportunity is good, but I don't know if it's worth it."

The country's expression instantly turned into a worry. Although Singapore has experienced something similar to his life before, also known as that one time he got kicked out of the you-probably-know-what-federation forcing him to grow up quickly, he hasn't learned how to calm the organization down in certain situations (because Thailand is mostly there 24/7, she's pretty much the therapist of the group). Other than that, really? It's not a rare occurrence for him for literally anyone to break down like this.

He sighed. "He chose you for a reason, if h-"

"You're saying this is something the UN chose me to do?"

Singapore froze in confusion. "...Yeah?- How did you not know that?"

"I'm..- okay," ASEAN shook his head and went back on topic. "The thing is, I don't really like to leave anyone behind, you know what happened to ASA and Maphilindo and SEATO- I'm just... Yeah maybe I'm just overreacting."

"Everything's going to be okay, and I'm sure of it," the country-state smiled. "I've met the UN face-to-face before, he's a pretty nice guy."

"Oh really? Aren't you the exact same Southeast Asian country who broke a UN law and triggered him?" ASEAN sarcastically remarked, and chuckled at the end of it.

"Alamak, shut up," Singapore complained and groaned, as he slammed his fist by the desk. "Okay, okay! But like, honestly..."-The country paused for a brief moment, and eventually continued-"I think you've done a lot for us over the years, without any interaction to the world further than all 10 of us had told you. This is a chance for you to explore what's rest of the world out there. We already trusted you to come forwards for us, I think we can handle it together."

"What about you all? What do you think you would handle your own independency to the UN and now dealing with the ASEAN one?" He asked, as he started to get even more worried on the huge step he's going through.

"We're going to be okay! Well, he did give you the opportunity for a reason of knowing we can balance it and our own personal circle," he commented as a response.

Eventually after realizing, he started to calm down and goes back to leaning his back on the chair. Still looking like he's going to be extremely stressed in the next couple of days, but god. He was like this all of the time for the past how-many-years already. This thing's a little rubbish.

As the two's eyes meet in contact again, Singapore just gave out a reassuring smile. But then again, ASEAN shakes his head and asked, "Wait, why the papers then?"

"You fu- this is business we're talking about lah."

"You're saying that this is outside the social thing?"


"This is a thousand times worse," he groaned, slamming his head and arms on the desk.

The bi-colored country muttered something within the lines of "You're too inconsistent" and eventually came on and comfort the other again, finally sitting down on the chair on front of the other's desk.

"You should've just prepared yourself for this to happen sooner, you're almost fifty lah."

He could hear a little mumble from the organization-"And you think I have the brains to do that?"

"Yea- No?- Ugh- You're being so dramatic," he complained with a half-British accent, and eventually moved closer. "Just like- you know, everything's going to be okay and I assure that to you. The UN's job is to unite for goodness sake- you can just blame this all on me if it doesn't go well. [[my]] Reputation with him is terrible."

About a few seconds of silence later, the other one finally spoke properly. "Fine! Fine!" ASEAN stated, going back to maintaining eye contact with the other and sitting back up properly. "You're to blame if this doesn't go well."

"That's what I said."

"Yeah..." he stated, bowing his head down with his energy fading away.

The country noticed his expression and stood up. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just..- look okay," he maintained eye contact with the country once more. "It's just- do you think he's going to question..?"


There wasn't really any clarification from the organization after that, as he just remained silent. Singapore just looked at him worriedly and just upbeatedly confirmed, "There's nothing wrong with this. If he thinks of you in another way you don't like, then it's okay lah."

"...he's a world organization."


ASEAN froze and shook his head a few seconds later. "Okay fine, I don't think there's anything wrong with that," he half-sarcastically remarked.


"I'm blaming the rest of you if this doesn't go well."


"And I'll be sacrificing you."

"Sure!" Singapore crossed his arms with the most upbeat emotion he can express, but immediately realized what he said afterwards. "Wait- what?! No!"

The organization giggled. "Don't take that back."

"Everyone here is literally going to be the death of me," the bi-colored country deadpanned, in which the Asian was left in a lighthearted laugh.

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