10 • Chương Mười • 10

154 9 0

"[So, how was it?]"

Vietnam asked the organization in her own language, tying a golden ribbon on her hands like a crochet to make it look like more of a bracelet and walking across the hallway.

"Not as bad than I thought it would be," ASEAN responded, as he finally ties his hair into an updo bun. "[I guess it's just my nature, he seemed okay with it.]"

"Where is he anyway?" She asked back in English, as she stopped and looked around, as she closed her right fist shut with the ribbon inside of it.

"He said he's going to get coffee, so he's most likely at the small cafeteria, or in the meeting room," the organization responded, shrugging. They had a lot of coffee in the cafeteria naturally, but they also have a coffee machine and biscuits section in the meeting room, so two options were viable.

"What..?" the country froze. "It's eleven!"

"I don't control him, neither he does to me," he remarked, with a little laugh at the end of it.

"I swear, you organizations are weird," she complained.

"I'll take that as a compliment!" ASEAN exaggerated, with Vietnam responding with a giggle.

The two finds their way to the resource room, and both eventually peeked inside the room to find only Brunei on one of the tables, seemingly sketching something on a green-colored notebook. Vietnam went in the room first, looking around the area, unamused. The organization noticed that they have slightly prepared, there was 2 boxes of decorations at the corner of the library, with some already hung around the area.

He had noticed a change of Brunei's fashion sense, she never wore contrasted-colored clothing until now. ASEAN took note that she was wearing a purple hijab with a light blue long sleeve today, which was unusual compared to what she usually wears—she is known to wear a lot of yellow-ish color scheme.

Silence still filled the room without the Bruneian knowing the two were in the room. Breaking the silence, Vietnam asked the other country, "So, are you going to continue sketching or do what I told you?"

The small, female country startled at that voice and immediately shut her notebook violently and dropped her pencil to the ground, maintaining eye contact to Vietnam.

"You scared me! Knock next time."

"Did you do what I told you to do?"

"I already hung them!"

"Oh? But it isn't everything."

"Singapore's borrowing the ladder."

"Pfft, oh right, you're short."


The organization by the doorway laughed and decided to speak, "Did Indonesia's provinces helped you out?"

"They're buying supplies for the welcome desk decors," Vietnam stated, as she took off her hat she was wearing at her back.

Brunei then noticed the organization by the door, "Oh ASEAN! I heard the UN is in the building, what was that all about?"

"Just filling up some requirements in regards to the UN partnership," he shrugged. "Also, it's almost lunch time, Thailand delivered us food here since she's sick."

"She cooked?" the Vietnamese asked.

"Not really, she told her provinces to do it for her," the organization said. "Tried them, trust me that I say that it's still as great as her cooking."

The Muslim raised an eyebrow. "Did you eat ahead of us?!"

"No! I- I literally ate some of theirs like a couple of years ago!" the organization stuttered, then added, "Just trust me, it's good."

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