3 • Bab Tiga • 3

293 6 5

[text in brackets are conversations that are in Bahasa Indonesia]

About a few weeks had passed, and it was just the casual routine all over again. However, this day feels different even if his plans today are the same as yesterday's and the day before. Despite this strange feeling, almost the exact thing happens every morning happens around this household, and today wasn't an exception.



"[Come and get it!]"

"[Ugh, why do I have to deal with all of you!?]"

The organization got startled by the noise outside his room. At least he didn't get waken up by the provinces at midnight, that would be a total nightmare. He would like to join in, if he is being fully honest, but- this early? It's like 5 in the morning and yet there is already chaos in this house... As usual.

He isn't blaming them though! He liked talking to them, especially Jakarta, and Indonesia, the person whom both of his past life hated, actually gave him a possibly-permanent room in this place in which he struggled to find back then. He just seriously need them to grow up-ish, that's all. He really isn't into provinces and states as much, so he might be wrong about them most of the time.

At least this lot has been divided to, seven regions? Yeah, it was seven. Seven different buildings, but Indonesia decided to give him a place in the main one, and in fact the noisiest one. Not blaming once again since it was the biggest one out of them all, and the most busiest.

He attempted to sleep again, this time with a pillow over his head. But he didn't feel like sleeping anymore, since he felt like today was different. After struggling to sleep for the next five minutes, he just gives up and sat up, putting on his thick, blocky glasses and checked on his keypad phone first.

There wasn't really interesting happening with his notifications, so he checked over his messages and immediately into Indonesia's contact. He eventually messaged:

you up? | >

He just sighed, knowing that he wouldn't be up right now. He didn't think that Indonesia would be the one to wake up this early unless woken up unintentionally. After a few minutes, he got a message back from the country.

< | No.

@_@ | >

< | [Go to sleep.]

[They're outside my room] | >

< | Ah.

He puts his phone down for a bit and stood up, peeking at the door. It seemed like the hallways were already lit up, someone must've been in the main living room already. He had also noticed some crumbs of chips on the floor, in which gave him an idea what to do right now. He looked back at the phone and eventually texted the other.

[I'll just cook] | >

< | K

He shuts the door loudly on accident and eventually went back inside the room to set himself up for today.

Before doing so however, a bunch of provinces seemed to have known that he's awake due to him slamming the door. They eventually called it out, with him responding.

"Paman Sea-an?"

"[I'm not here!]"


It was now about nine in the morning, and already exhaustedly tired. A few were actually helping him fix up breakfast for this big of a household thankfully. Didn't think cooking for about 36 people, minus a few since they have their own place now, would take years, even if he had already tried cooking for them a bunch of times in the past.

Indonesia already warned the provinces not to run around the house again during breakfast, in which ASEAN thankfully overheard. Apparently they were about to steal stuff in his room which already happened with the rest of the provinces in the house. For goodness sake, this house is huge as heck-and the main people he can think of that aren't messing around as much were Jakarta and possibly Yogyakarta. The rest is always onto flames, which sounds extremely similar to his situation with his own countries in the organization. Minus the fact that he sometimes gets involved into fuelling the fire, and Indonesia is involved more.

Right now, he's just there by the couch of one of the buildings (or houses) and reading one of the books on his shelf back upstairs in his room. The house was three-quartered empty since some has gone off to work, while the kids were off to the nearby playground from here, and some are at school. This was actually a perfect opportunity for him to have an alone time on his own, or actually communicate with others in the house in which he didn't like to do that right now.

Indonesia, who was wearing his crimson shirt, walks in the room and peeks over the book ASEAN was reading, in which he immediately realizes and shuts the book off, looking at him. Realizing it was the country, he immediately stated, "Don't you dare scare me like that again."

"Can't promise," the other shrugged, but eventually looked over. "[Do you have a moment?] We need groceries and everyone isn't available, [or they're just stupidly lazy]."

"[I wouldn't mind!]" he stated using Indonesian, in a bit of a jovial mood. "[Can I see the list?]"

"[Yeah, here,]" he stated, handing over the paper and some cash. "[If there isn't any stock on at least one of these at the store then just tell me or Jakarta- or we would get really confused. It isn't that much.]"

The organization grabbed the paper and money off of the country and scanned through, immediately having attention to some of these-apparently needs about 20 apples in this house. He looked back at the country with a deadpan, "[You're joking.]"

"[I'm not, this is literally lesser than what we usually order from the store,]" Indonesia stated, placing his left arm across the couch. "[At least this universe let us have the provinces buy most of their personal belongings on their own without asking us... Oh and the 'few sacks of rice' is being ordered by East Kali, so you don't need to buy that.]"

"As long as you don't make me order that, then I'm down," he stated back in English. "[Deadline for me to get this done?]"


"[That seems fair, honestly.]"

"Yeah, [just be here by afternoon. Do you have to go back at the office today?]"

The organization stood up and folded the paper into four. "[No, nothing interesting popping up right this moment.]"

"[Well then,] I think that's all I can think of. Honestly, this feels weird directing to you," Indonesia stated as honest as possible.

ASEAN just smiled at him. "You can do this anytime, just don't make me want to do something over the top."


"You'll figure it out," he stated, and eventually stood up, holding the book he was reading. "I'll just go do this now so I can rest later."

"Alright, [see you later,]" the country smiled at him, and eventually leaving the room as soon as the organization did.

As ASEAN steps outside the who-knows-how-big-of-a-house, he would eventually spot a glimpse of light flashing surrounding him for a moment. Thinking it was nothing, he moved on.



hi!! what do you think of me inserting provinces in this universe?? it would make sense to insert them lol even if it adds to the stress bahahaha

if you have any suggestions for future chapters and stories or hcs then feel free to comment below! this is the first time ive ever actually opened my hcs out on wattpad apart from the oneshots book so i would really love to hear feedback and questions about it :D

have a nice day!!

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