8 • ជំពូកទីប្រាំបី • 8

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06.10.22 a/n: I can't really bring everyone you all suggested provinces for this chapter sorry!! There's just so many Indonesian and Philippine provinces (I decided to do regions instead of provinces for Phil because I just realized there's like 80+ of them LMAO), so I decided to cut some of them and proceeded with some outside them two waaa, hope you all understand ;-;

Also I know some of the countries mentioned here don't celebrate such holiday mentioned in this chapter but take not Phil organized this lmaoo, plus there are some people in those countries anyway who celebrates it- hope you understand :D

07.01.22 : Terrible place to say this but I have no choice, why do good influencers have to pass away with cancer? Here's an update to cope with that including me since it felt nothing if I didn't do anything here today, I'm so sorry


Passed a couple of weeks, it was finally the beginning of that month-December.

At the ASEAN building, it was tradition with Phil being the chairman of this year to pull up Christmas decorations at the beginning of December. But this year's a little different, a competition. The organization was divided into three groups, with the exception of the Philippines as he was the chairman and the event coordinator for this year. Those three groups were given time to decorate different parts of the building-Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand were assigned to decorate the front and backyard of the office, Brunei, Vietnam and Indonesia were assigned to do the welcome desks and the resource room (also known as the library), and Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia was assigned on the meeting room, the balcony and the food storage (canteen/cafeteria) area. ASEAN and the Philippines both decided to do the rest of the building, like the lounge and the main office room where ASEAN usually is staying, and of course the garden which doesn't have to do with the "backyard" sector. Since it was a lot of decorating to do, some provinces, regions and states came to help out the countries themselves, majority of which just helped the decorations by the pair. There were a lot of lanterns involved which made the organization worry if the building gets burned down, luckily they got rid of the candles and he didn't have to bother putting it on and off.

He was at the foot of a ladder with a region with shoulder-length brown hair standing on top of it, making sure she doesn't fall down. The region was able to hang a green star lantern on the ceiling carefully, without stepping the middle section of the ladder. He noticed that the ladder was shaking due to balance, which he worried that there would be an accident on here again.

The organization said in Filipino, "[Get down, do it slowly!]"

"I'm- trying-!"

The region's expression changed to be fear, as she started to step down-but it seemed like she did it in a hurry. He immediately exclaimed in English, "No, no!- do it slowl-"

It was then at this point, the ladder was now just about off balance, and it tilted to the side which made the region fall down. ASEAN panicked, as he catched the region but then made his golden-to-red wings show up unintentionally as the force caused them to fall down by his back with his glasses slightly tilted and the province by his chest, but the organization rolled both himself and the girl to the side for the ladder to avoid to injure them both.

As the ladder hit the ground, everyone in the room was alerted by the situation and it became noisier. ASEAN sat up first on the floor with minor damage, then shaking the region to see if she was awake. Gladly she was, as he noticed her sitting up from that fall. He swiped her hair to have eye contact with her and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Didn't break a bone," she responded, as she pulled her hair tie from her arm and tied it into a bun.

A couple of provinces and the Philippines ran towards the area of the impact, and the provinces started to ask in unison a bunch of "Are you okay?" and "Do you need some medical assistance?" in their own languages, both local and national-however the Philippines shushed them and asked them to summarize what they were asking in English.

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