11 • Bab Sewelas • 11

138 8 1

(a/n: the title is actually javanese (cries) i think they have same translation as indonesian KWHCBSAJ)

"Who's going back tomorrow for the actual work duty?" the regional organization asked his own member states, adjusting his glasses.

Singapore spoke, "That would be me and Brunei lah."

"Can you keep the scaffolding your group placed tomorrow, or are you still going to use it?"

"I'll still use it, I need to fix something by the roof tomorrow," Myanmar stated from the back of the room.

ASEAN clapped once, "Alright then! Guess we should say our goodbyes for today!"

The clock ticks each second, leaving the short hand to land at exactly seven. Everyone at the welcome desk waved their goodbyes, even if only a few had remained in the building. The UN was watching everything that the Asian organization did and observed for almost the entire day now, that's why ASEAN was a little formal than usual.

As the countries and provinces left the building, the two organizations were left inside. This sparked another wave of silence between the two, except for the medium-sized, circular clock ticking by the wall. It wasn't too loud, but it is loud for such size.

ASEAN shuts a cabinet by the corner of the welcome room and locks it, which the UN had no idea was there as it looked like it was camouflaged. It was actually one of their mini-storage areas around the building, but this one's the cleaning locker. It's purposefully hidden to the obvious eye, they have individual lockers scattered around the building for each member and observer of the organization and it would be awkward if people see them.

The United Nations was shocked by that, knowing that there's probably even more things he didn't think they would have. It would make sense if they had those if they have been around since the 1960's, but he literally just started to talk to the organization face-to-face this year because of the unidentified social barrier between the two. Who knows what else they would have secretly?

By that thought of his, he then asked. "You aren't really open as an organization, aren't you?"

"Our union's a little more calmer in comparison to other organizations," ASEAN stated, as he held onto a wooden Asian conical hat on his hands. "Our work's mostly part-time unlike the EU's, which let them work full-time on the weekdays!"

"Mostly part-time?" he asked, repeating a portion of what the other just said. "How does that work?"

"We schedule about two people to be at work on each weekday. Everyone outside their assigned day can come here whenever possible though," the Asian clarified as he took off his hair tie and puts on the hat he was just holding, securing it with the garter attached on the inside of the hat.

"Do you usually come here when it's not needed?"

"Hah, depends. Most of the time I do since there's still a lot of books here I haven't read," he replied, tying his hair into a low ponytail. "Plus we recently just had the access to the internet a few months ago and most of us relied on the computers here just because of that!"

The international organization's eyes widen. "Woah, you're really behind in terms of technology. We had them at about the new century just started."

"My office, Indo's house—well, partially because it keeps breaking—and Singapore's place are the only ones who have access to the web in the Southeast Asia sector just yet. A bit disappointing we're behind, but we trust that we're getting somewhere," he sighed, as he leaned on the welcome desk.

"I like that energy," the UN commented, which made ASEAN's smile light up.

It took a couple more minutes before ASEAN closes the building officially, with keys locking and everything. Of course not turning off the Christmas lights just yet, that can stay on for the rest of the night until tomorrow morning. The regional organization was able to pick up some decorations on the floor which fell from the building, but decided to place them in a basement entrance behind the building, which yet again surprised the UN as he had no idea how much materials and rooms they had in this building. He wouldn't be surprised at this point if they would have a secret room inside.

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