6 • Bab Enam • 6

175 7 0

06.06.22 a/n: made a poll on instagram whether to not I should make Myanmar more of a masculine or a feminine, about 2/3rds said masculine so 🙇 you're welcome and I'm not sorry in advance

[text in brackets are in Malaysian in this chapter.]


He doesn't even know what was happening anymore. Had a different vibe in the morning and it literally showed today.

It was almost noon, or it probably is about noon. The rain has been dripping from the sky, in which he was immune to as his body is capable to survive it without catching a cold, for literally celestial reasons, gladly it wasn't as hard as a typhoon, or a cyclone/hurricane-it was just a little weak isolated rain.

And of course, the source of the traffic itself.

The two organizations stood at the side of the two countries for a moment, in which the countries came to terms on who they were-a little shocked considering even the international organization was about to call them out and potentially sue them (figuratively), but at the same time a little confused as to how they both got into this position.

The older organization just passed over the umbrella to the younger, in which gave a questioning look as to why but decided to grab it. Eventually after, the older has started to passive-agressively approach the countries, in which the other mouthed an "oh".

ASEAN went ahead and inspected the area fully-yellow caution tapes has suddenly appeared on front of him. He doesn't know where that came from, but anything can happen in this universe, so why not. It seemed to be 2 cars nearing a crash, with one motorcycle which actually banged onto the side of a car. He has seen that motorbike before, it was Malaysia's.

He eventually looked back at the group and eventually as peace keepers do, attempts to undo what the argument was. He didn't really bother to hear it's details, since he was too concentrated trying to figure out who owns the other car who is involved in this kind-of tragedy, until the UN called him for a little backup.

His attention diverted back at them, finally in full detail of the conversation. Myanmar, the female country who was in total shock as soon as he saw the two organizations, was being held back by the other organization, hoping that this wouldn't escalate into a fight. ASEAN sighed, he has delt with this rivalry before, in fact every meeting has at least a minute of Myanmar and Malaysia arguing for both serious and questionably stupid reasons. But since he has been with them for quite a while now, he knows it wouldn't be something near a fist fight, probably a slap, but would that last under the rain?

Speaking of, the rain has started to slowly calm down as he thought of it. Having little to no hesitation, he just shuts the umbrella and approaches Malaysia, grabbing his wrist without expressing any other emotion.

The country startled, "A- ASEAN?!"

"Listen to me," ASEAN dead-on stated on front of the country. "I know you two have been like this since- forever?!- but why on the STREETS?!"

"I didn't know where I was going! [I mean- the light was green! I was finding for the cat until this?!]" Malaysia expressed half-shocked, halfway speaking with English and his language on the other half.

"[You're saying that this was her fault?]" he asked in Malaysian, while looking back at the UN and Myanmar duo, who also seemed to have a mini-consultation at the other side.

"[At least the streets are- mostly empty today!]"

"[This is a national highway.]"


"Jadi..?" ASEAN repeated, eventually started to feel annoyed and stressed at the country, not even nothing to translate what he's saying anymore and not holding it back especially when another organization is in the other side. "You're older than me and- Malaysia, I love you-well as a friend-but what the fuck?! You better be thankful you haven't killed someone, but you're still going to compensate. I don't even know what's up to you two anymore."

The country backed off for a moment and responded back in Malay, "[She shouldn't speed through the lane in the first place!]"

"Well the crash isn't the problem I'm talking about, it's the- your behavior towards it," he exclaimed, eventually facepalming on front of the country as the rain has started to lower it's rate each second.

Silence has filled in between the two with the UN talking to Myanmar in the background and the rain finally pulling over. They're both wet with puddles scattered across the floor. Malaysia proceeded to frown and realized what damage he'd cost today-ASEAN was right.

Before trying to apologize however, the two would be having attention to the other two by the side, in which the UN started shouting at the country having such a strict tone-arguably the most aggressive the both has seen the UN for how short time. Malaysia could actually agree that his argument with ASEAN was actually a lot more calmer than this.

"You know that you can't speed for that fast, you know the rules!" the United Nations scolded, with Malaysia and the other spectating the argument. Definitely louder than ASEAN just a while ago, despite them knowing how calm of a voice that organization has.

Myanmar was just in clear mental panic, ASEAN can identify his member's emotions pretty easily. He felt bad, as he knows that country has been in the same position before, a lot of times. If he was Myanmar, he would most possibly just give up everything he had right here, but knowing her, he knows she would do that. The country's palms was held on tight on his sides with head down. This was discipline, but for some reason ASEAN can identify that Myanmar couldn't hold on it anymore.

Malaysia would just divert attention back to ASEAN who was in clear, deep concern. He was one of the two countries who were both in Maphilindo and ASA, the organizations that basically shaped ASEAN in literal forms, and raised them like they're (arguably) friendly siblings. Having done this before and now it being vice versa in this situation feels a little off, but that's how organizations flow, sadly. Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia, with Singapore joining later on, helped converse the two organizations without knowing how to raise someone like them-in which leaded Mal to realize something he didn't think he would go this far.

His voice just started to shake. "A- ASEAN?"

The organization would respond seconds later. "Hm?"

"I'm so sorry.."

"It's fine, just make sure not to argue on the streets next time."

"Tida- No! It's..."

A silence between the two commenced once again. Sea has started to question more about the situation, as he asked breaking the silence: "I understand the crash and the arguing, but is there something..?"

Malaysia has started to doze off for a bit, before shaking his head once again and attempted to end the conversation. "Nothi- Nevermind."

"ASEAN!" the other organization called, fixing his coat and walking back to the car. "Let's just go, traffic's gonna deal with the rest of this."

The Asian just nodded, and waved to Malaysia with the other waving back. He walked towards the other country for a bit and maintained eye contact. "We'll talk tonight."

He had noticed the 'I'm-so-dead' reaction from the country, and so he gave a light-hearted smile to brighten the mood for a little bit, before heading back to the car.

Opening the car door, he had noticed something peculiar by the roadside tree. It seemed to be a person who seemingly was white peeking through the tree sideways, but as soon as he looked at it, it disappeared. Strange, however it was something he didn't bother to focus on right now.

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