4 • บทที่สี่ • 4

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06.23.22 A/N: I'm actually sick and I can't write, luckily I made about 10 chapters prior to this. Expect quick-ish updates! :D

There's going to be a part of this book where you choose where you want to go, but I decided for it to be sooner as you will know the context. Enjoy ASEAN's suffering! /hj


Going shopping by the morning feels a little twisted for ASEAN, but it was a positive feeling. He haven't done this in a while, so might as well drop by.

He would occasionally look back and forth at the list to check if he had missed anything on the cart. Indonesia wasn't lying when he said it was less that they were supposed to buy—some of these items just seems like it needs about 1-2 pieces or bottles of, wonder what would he do with it.

He's just nervous if he had to do those checkouts where you have to talk to a cashier—screw it, he is going to talk to the cashier. If the cashier is questioning why he is getting this many apples and noodles, he's going to ignore it.

Which by the way, he was surprised by how much packs of specific brand of noodles he needed to buy, and noticed that there's a lot of people who wanted to buy instant noodles lately. He had also noticed that Phil's provinces has been also calling dibs over another brand of noodles. He personally tried both what noodle brand Indo's and Phil's provinces ate and he doesn't really get the appeal on both of them. The only obsession over food he actually finds interesting was Malaysia's state's chocolate drink obsession, which he still drank the same brand until this day, and isn't noodles.

He was just wearing a casual white printed shirt with a light brown jacket and pants, walking around the grocery. The reason of his clothing isn't because he was cold, the sky is just a little foggy today. Makes sense considering that it's rainy season, but that meant for him to experience temperature changes.

"Kopi..?" he read on the list. Obviously translated in English as "coffee", apparently they needed two medium-sized packs of a specific brand. They could've just written the large one since it's basically two times more than the medium, but he's not going to question the list or he'll probably get kicked out of the house.

He rolled his cart around an aisle and finds for the brand of coffee it was listed on the paper. However, a sudden force, or a bam, hits his own cart. He noticed it and looked at the direction of the crash.

"I'm sorry!" the female responded—but her expression began to go a little realization as soon as she noticed who he was. "Oh, Sea!"

"Hi Thailand!" he excitedly greeted, recognizing the other by just a glimpse. "Don't worry about it, you didn't really hurt me."

"Thanks! I just came looking for cocoa. I didn't know you'd be the type of person to go here," she stated, putting her shopping basket on an empty wheeler beside them.

"Yeah, Indo's kinda busy so I'd thought to return the favor," ASEAN shrugged, before looking at the shelf then back at the country. "Also I'm pretty sure cocoa should be at the beans section or whatever."

"Couldn't find any there, or they're probably just out of stock," she sighed. "I kinda need this for the UN, too."

His eyes widened. "The UN? What do you need it for?"

"Activities. He's also around the store right now, you you kind of have to be careful," Thai stated, eventually looking around once more. "I think he's looking for the same stuff-"


Another voice was heard by the end of the aisle, in which ASEAN immediately recognized as well but immediately looked away. Good heavens, speaking of the United Nations, there he is.

Unknown to him why, but the United Nations was wearing a white sweater and some jeans—ASEAN already feels a little hot in this jacket and it's probably going to be the same for him, but that's really besides the point he's worrying. Gosh, the formality he's going to do to face him.

The country got startled however and started to speak in a nervous tone, "Hi sir- again."

"Oh and, is that the Southeast Asian organization you're talking about?" The United Nations asked. This just made ASEAN even more socially anxious in this situation, because of the way he recognized him—it felt even more messier in his head than describing it.

Thailand nodded and gave the Asian a little nodge for him to respond, which made him sigh to help cure the anxiety away. He looked at the other and waved, "Yes! Good morning, United Nations."

'Dear goodness, I sound so awkward.'

"Ah! Nice to finally meet you, well considering the situation we're currently in. To be fair, I did not intend to see you as early as now," the older stated, walking closer to them. "Did you find the beans, Thailand?"

"I don't think there's any stock here, so I couldn't find any," she responded politely. "Maybe we should use an alternative for this activity?"

"We couldn't, it wouldn't work without them. This is strange considering that it's currently it's harvest season," he replied. "Well, might as well cancel this as soon as there are some finally available."

ASEAN just decided to ignore the conversation a little bit and find for the brand he was looking for. It turns out it was just beside him, he annoyingly groaned and placed two packs on the cart.

If he've seen this further, then he would avoid him interacting to the UN.

He looked back at the two, but now a little lost in their conversation. He looked over the list and noticed the last thing he needed was just a pack of powdered milk and he's out of here. He could just be extremely naughty and leave without hesitation, but that would literally give a really bad expression for the world organization across the aisle. However, he was caught into attention to barge in the conversation again.

"ASEAN?" the global organization called, in which got his attention. "I hope that whatever happens, the ceremony would go well by December. You were already told about what was happening, right?"

"Yeah, the Philippines told me," he stated, finally calmer from what he was a few minutes ago. He started to freak out once more as soon as he noticed he used a slang.

"At least I finally got to meet you, much better if it's behind the scenes," he stated. "From what I've been told, you don't really like going onto the spotlight, so it's nice to see you around without it."

ASEAN just smiled and nodded in response. Thailand then commented, "He's a little speechless, sorry about that."

"I know, and it's fine. As long as you know how it feels like around my presence—you'll get used to it," he stated happily with a lighthearted note, in which the other organization still makes it feels like a stage show.

"That's alright, what would be the next activity, sir?" she asked, dodging to the next topic.

"Still unsure, thought we'd do a little break after this," he shrugged. "Oh, ASEAN, do you have a ride back? We can let you in."

This right here, feels like the beginning of his suffering.

He can't possibly end this conversation there with a no? Or maybe he could? He's just into a lot of questioning at this moment.

He looked back at the organization and as casual as possible responded, "Sure, I used a bus going here anyway."

"Ah, that makes sense! Thailand, do you also need a ride back?"

"If Sea's- err- ASEAN's okay with it, then sure."

"Alright, I'll meet you two by the counters," he waved, and eventually left the aisle, leaving both the regional organization and the country behind.

There was a few seconds of silence between the two, and ASEAN would eventually express his feelings, which gave away a back and forth conversation between him and Thailand.

"What the fuck."

"This is your fault."

"End my suffering."


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