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[text in brackets are in the language specified in the paragraph.]



Indonesia asked loudly in his own language, with pure shock in his face. ASEAN and a couple of provinces were currently organizing the kitchen, both overhearing and concentrating on what they were fixing. Lunch was over and they have been already packed with food, so it was time just to organize the groceries.

"[Yeah apparently. I'm guessing that he will appear the next time I visit there,]" the organization (half)joked in Indonesian, as he placed some frozen goods in the freezer.

"[No wonder how you got on the discussion on how Riau and Jambi saw you two outside earlier,]" Indo explained, taking a sip of his water and started to speak once more. "[I wouldn't guess that you three—with Thailand—would be in a car together.]"

One of the provinces just mentioned, Jambi, would give a correction, "[Actually, the both of us saw them at the crash site itself.]"

At this point, ASEAN has started to be showered in embarrassment, as he started to cover himself with the peach sweater he newly wore as his clothes were wet. Indonesia noticed his expression and eventually teased on it, "[You're going on the newspaper tomorrow.]"

The organization huffed, attempting to calm himself down and ignore his previous emotion. "[You better mark your words on that one.]"

"[Sure. Give me about a couple of money if this happens.]"



"[Fine, about one]," ASEAN shrugged, as he threw a couple of plastics inside the bin beside a counter.

The country paused for a moment, before responding, "[That doesn't amount to any-! You suck.]"

"[I know.]"

"[You shouldn't be alive.]"

"[Okay, a hundred. Is that okay?]" he responded with a little higher tone, as he started washing his hands. "[I need to go right now anyway.]"

"[Okay, fine. But where will you be heading?]" Indonesia asked, crossing his arms.

ASEAN closed the tap of water and wiped his hands on a nearby towel. "[We left Myanmar in such a- you know, I need to go check on him.]"

"[Again?!]" he complained. "[You know she wouldn't change, he's dragging the organization down.]"

The organization sighed; here we go again. He had forgotten how much Indo hated the other country as well, in fact he had forgotten a lot of people in the group hates Myanmar, well at least most of them's more of a love-hate relationship. Either way, he knows that out of anyone in the organization, Indonesia is that type of person who can beat up someone he hates with only just a punch.

Sea replied with a little cheesy tone on his voice, "[I didn't say it was your business, did I?]"

Indonesia deadpanned and teased, "[You're an idiot.]"

"[Just be glad I'm not under you, you signed the waivers after all]," he stated, then started to walk towards the door to the front yard.

The country catched up to him, and asked once more. "[Are you coming back for dinner tonight, though?]"

"[Probably not, I still need to fix things up back at my place]," the organization answered. He was right, he does have a place on his own he needed to clean up—but that technically wasn't his legal address. It's a full can of worms worth explaining in a separate 1-page document.

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