4. Nice to meet you

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You awoke to the sound of your phone beeping away, blaringly loud in the early hours of daylight. A brief glance at the screen told you that you have school to attend even in this absurd situation. Halfheartedly, you dragged yourself up and out of bed, a second glance at the screen made you laugh bitterly. The alarm was fashioned so that there would be a short description of what it's for. This one in particular informed you of being a transfer student and a list of supplies to bring. It's almost comparable to a game character being assigned a quest line, each labeled to better aid in the requirements of completion. What's the world to do if you chose to ignore the "quest"?

On second thought, you're probably better off not testing out that theory of yours.

A scan of the room, illuminated by sunlight, shows a backpack already stuffed brim with what looks to be school supplies. Opening it confirms that. Then, with only a moment's hesitation, you pulled out said supplies. Turning to your bag, you began emptying that of its content too. Worn notebooks and hardcover textbooks were shoved into a shelf with a spot conveniently open.

You'd need those when you get back to your world. You try not to consider the if component.

Then you stowed the new supplies neatly into your, now empty, bag. You would need that sense of familiarity, especially since...

You grimaced at the pristine outfit hanging right on the backside of your door, showing no signs of wear.

...you'd need to wear a uniform, it seems.

And your phone conveniently added another location to your map: Mizo Middle School. You can't place your fingers on the odd sense that you should recognize the name. But you didn't have the time to delve on the idea.

After preparing yourself for the day, you were out the door and not a moment too late it seems. By the time you arrived at the school, a large number of students were already filing into the building, all wearing matching uniforms. The classic white blouse with a skirt for the girls and slacks for the boys. Although some of their outfits appeared rather disheveled, whether they were intentionally wearing it like that or not. You tugged at your own skirt self consciously, it nearly reached your knees but it could be longer in your opinion. Or they could have allowed a pant option for the girls.

You gave it one last tug before letting it be, not wanting to draw unwarranted attention to yourself.




How did Japanese schools introduce transfer students again? If you recall, all the anime and manga had the transferee wait outside the door until the teacher called their name. But that tradition didn't seem to hold here at your new school. Instead you were left standing awkwardly in front of them, while they mutter and give you occasional glances. You didn't dare look up into their eyes, finding your shoes a very interesting object to study. The teacher, on the other hand, was leisurely making herself busy with preparing work for the day. Maybe you should have chosen to arrive later if you were going to just stand here silently until a bell rings in the beginning of class. You fidget in spot, wringing your fingers only to finally release a sigh of relief upon hearing the bell for the beginning of the school day.

The teacher took the hint and began the introductions.

"We have a new student with us here today, please treat her with respect." She addressed the latter half to you, "Feel free to ask around for help if you have a hard time keeping up."

You lifted the corner of your lips into a smile and bowed towards the students as a sign of courtesy, "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). Please take care of me."

A few chorused back greetings and welcomes before the teacher called for silence.

"You may sit next to..." She trailed off as her gaze swept the room looking for, you assume, an empty seat. "Tachibana-san, please raise your hand."

You followed her gaze to find one hand raised amongst the sea of students. Giving the teacher a bow of gratitude, you quickly hurried to your seating. Though you weren't a shy person by nature, it's a wonder what standing still for 10 or so minutes in front of a bunch of strangers can do to someone. After settling yourself down and hanging your bag to the back of your chair, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning, you see Tachibana smiling over at you.

"Hello! I'm Tachibana Hinata but you can just call me by my first name." She introduced herself, her voice enthusiastic yet soft as not to disrupt the other students.

Her appearance was neat and tidy, with short light brown almost pink hair that framed her face perfectly. If you had to take a guess at her personality, she seemed like the type to get along with practically anymore. It wasn't hard to believe, especially with her contagious smile that spread to your own lips. That was probably the first time you smiled naturally since... everything.

"Nice to meet you, Hinata-chan."

And weirdly enough, you feel a tinge of familiarity radiating from her along with her sunshine warmth.

In a world so unfamiliar, I found you.

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