10. Stay out of trouble

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You were doomed. The both of you. Sure, he might be able to beat one of them by pure luck alone, but three? He should just save himself at this rate and get the hell out of here before they drag him along.

In the face of potential danger, he walked towards you, interjecting himself into the conflict. And the danger welcomed him in with open arms as the other two goons surrounded the both of you on either side.

You sighed. You could only see this ending in one way, with bruises from the fight and a guilty conscience for getting your "savior" caught in this mess.

Then you were back on your feet, the delinquent's grubby hands no longer lifting you by the collar. It all happened so fast, your brain hadn't registered that you could stand again. So instead, you fell. But rather than focusing on the dull throbbing from the fall, your eyes were locked onto the motionless figure slumped against the wall he was knocked into.

The nerd had defeated the leader in one hit. You couldn't believe your eyes. And apparently neither can the other two delinquents. They charged at him, both at the same time, with a battle cry of some sort. You'd applaud their foolishness if not for the fact you were too busy gawking at your hero.

Had something happened to the world when the anomaly, known as yourself, came along? Because as important as morality and justice may be, this is taking the "good guys always win" saying to a whole new level.

He was beating them up effortlessly, as if he had dealt with worse in his life; like ten page essays and finals. And for all you know, he may very well have, based upon how he barely broke a sweat while beating them shitless.

And then as soon as he had started, he was done, frowning down at the trio who knelt in a row. You forgot to mention he had beaten their unconscious leader back into consciousness just to make him drop to his knees next to his lackeys.

If they hadn't threatened you in the first place, you would almost feel bad for them.

"Didn't your moms ever teach you not to bully girls?!"

You blinked. That was quite an interesting question to lead off with after beating them senseless. Although, not more interesting than the fact that he actually won against them. By a landslide even. You might have to turn off your logic receptors after this event.

The cowering trio couldn't even answer him, but then again, you doubt he was expecting a response. Presuming it was a question of rhetorics.

"We're sorry!!" They chorused out, heads lowered in a deep bow, unable to meet his eyes.

With a scoff, he kicked at them, "Don't you ever let me see you picking on girls again!"

This time, they didn't even bother crying out their apologies as they scrambled to their feet. Within moments, they were but a pinprick of black against the reddish orange horizon, painted by the setting sun. When they were fully out of sight, your mysterious stranger turned around to face you. You didn't move as he walked towards you, but it wasn't as if you could, since you were still sitting on the ground. You wonder what he'd say to you.

"You alright there?" He crouched down slightly to extend a hand to you.

Oh. That was more normal than you expected, to the point where you blanked, staring at him. His appearance was no longer immaculate as when he had first shown up. Instead, his outfit was creased in disarray; the white dress shirt beneath showing where the buttons used to hold the jacket closed. His tie was slightly crooked too, no longer suffocatingly tight around his neck. But despite all that, his hair stayed in the binds of the hair tie, and his glasses remained in place. It was an odd sight for reasons you couldn't explain. You can't even begin to tell where he crossed the bounds between normalcy, perplexity and all the in betweens. What you can conclude is that your day wasn't going to go by smoothly, regardless of whether Mikey and Draken decided to pop in. You probably jinxed it somehow when you thought it was a rather dull day.

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