9. Look I said I was sorry

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The blow never came. If it had, you likely wouldn't even be still standing here, body tense but all in one piece. So you stood there confused not because he didn't hit you, but because, with your eyes still closed, you felt something on the top of your head. A soft touch coaxing you to open your eyes and see for yourself where it came from. You obliged, hesitantly peering through a single eyelid before opening them both to the sight before you.

Mikey's face was mere inches from yours, definitely invading your personal bubble just as you are, unintentionally, in his. Unlike you, who's still as a statue, he didn't seem the least bit bothered by the distance between you two. Or the lack thereof, that is. Instead, his hand gently tousled your hair with a warmth that doesn't quite match up with his expression, fixed in an indecipherable smile.

"Just kidding!" His grin widened as he gave you one of those classic closed eyes smiles.

"Huh...?" Sounds of confusion echoed through the area. Your own voice was lost somewhere between your throat and your lips, never making it out.

Smoothing your hair back down, he finally pulled back.

It was only when he turned to his right, that you saw Takemichi was poised to strike, probably in hopes of landing a hit on Mikey before he could supposedly punch you. Except that never happened, so the boy was left hovering in an awkward position with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Takemicchi, you dummy." Mikey chuckled as he patted him firmly on the shoulders, "There's no way I'd lay a hand on a girl."




You wound up mindlessly following the group outside, half out of your free will, half dragged by Hinata. Try as you might, you couldn't think of any reason whatsoever for you to tag along. You weren't the one who owed an apology for jumping to conclusions and slapping a stranger. But perhaps she finds security in your presence as you did hers. That was a nice thought.

"I am so sorry!! I must have misunderstood something..."

Hinata was apologizing fervently to Mikey who looked as if he had already long forgotten about the incident.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Then on the side, he commented, "It was an amazing slap."

That only spurred her into another bout of frantic apologies, which was met with Mikey's laughter, removing any trace of nervous tension in the air.

When the last of his outburst died out, the corners of his lips twitched upwards in a smile that didn't reach his eyes. It never really had. You can't remember if he had ever smiled with flushed cheeks, dimples and light in his eyes.

"It's fine to do your best for the man you like, but don't get carried away." He raised a finger to accentuate his point, "Things would have been bad if you'd hit someone that'd fight back, you know?"

"Yes!" Hinata stood attentively, taking his words to heart.

"And you,"

You jolted when he turned to you, hoping he hadn't noticed you staring all while he was lecturing Hinata.

"Huh...?" The sound you should have made earlier when he patted your head. A delayed reaction.

"You were really brave back there, but it's alright to be cowardly sometimes."

You were tempted to correct him about calling you brave. You didn't jump out because of whatever latent inner courage you had, you simply moved before you knew what you were doing. But if Mikey, the same Mikey that recognized the strength within Takemichi and Hinata, called you brave, then maybe you can believe him for a short while. Just maybe.

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