13. I didn't cheat

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Chattering filled the classroom as always, and it's nothing unfamiliar to Baji, even on days of tests and big exams. There would always be those couple students banding up to cheat together, or hatching whatever conniving schemes to get them that A+. And you best believe him when he says it's more than just a couple of students. Baji himself doesn't have much of a track record for good grades, so it wasn't as if he got admitted into a school with studious kids and the next generation of geniuses.

But he wasn't going to stoop down to their levels. In the past, it would have been a tempting idea; anything to get that 100 on his record and his mom off his back, but at the current moment... who needs some dirty little tricks when he's got the ultimate training and notes? And from who else but the friend he made over the weekend, and diligently spent her free time tutoring him on all the know-how.

He was absolutely confident he had gotten them down this time, and in a different way from the confidence he had shown when she first read over his notes. But confidence doesn't exactly mean he's free of all anxieties and pre-test paranoia. His hands felt clammy, and the pages of his notebook were crinkled from how tightly he gripped them. Even amongst all the noise that filled the world around him, he could still hear the pounding of his heart. So loud, he doesn't know how no one else in the room hasn't heard it yet. And he swallowed, a sound to momentarily displace the pitter patter of his heart, and also to soothe that dry ache in the back of his throat.

He flipped through the pages, over and over, back and forth. In truth, he knew he had read all the points over at least a good four times, but that little worry budding within asked him, 'What if you missed just one tiny detail?' And that worry drowned out his own voice of reasoning.

'Good luck!'

He paused, eyes locked onto those two little words scribbled among his notes. It seems that you had written it somehow without him noticing, a wish of luck and fortune for him, the anxiety ridden test taker. It felt rather out of place, surrounded by his math notes, and etched so small on the page that it was no wonder how he missed it before.

But it's done its job, soothing his frazzled mind by just that tiny bit.


The door opened and their teacher had walked in, stack of paper in hand. The whispering around him rose to a buzz, before dying out as their test administrator cleared his throat.

"Clear your desks!"

Baji took a deep breath, giving his notes a last glance before closing his book.

He was ready.


Chifuyu stared unashamedly at the clock hung at the corner of the classroom, counting down the seconds till lunchtime. He was well aware of how the teacher up front could, and probably already did, see him being not the most attentive of students, but he could honestly care less. If the teachers wanted him to listen diligently to their lectures, they'll have to prove themselves worthwhile beyond hiding behind their titles as "professionals". After all, as admirable as Baji may be, there was no need for him to follow even in his determination to study and actually work towards good grades. Well... not all the time at least.


And there was the bell he's been waiting for. Baji should be here any minute now, aggravated by another failing test, he reckoned. Of course he knew about the test, and would have offered to help him study if not for the bet the two made just last week. A bet that Chifuyu was sure to win since Baji betted on passing the test. God forbid that happens, lest pigs grow wings and learn to fly.

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