7. Maybe I am a little weird

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When you regain consciousness, it's to a swaying sensation and the sounds of not so hushed whispering.

"It's been over ten minutes, it's my turn now!"

"What clock were you even looking at?! It's just barely past five on mine!"

You were moving, although not by your own volition, or at least you didn't think so. Last you checked, you don't have any cases of sleepwalking. Instead, whatever was carrying you on its back jolted in tune with the bickering. You yelped, arms reaching out to clutch onto anything to keep yourself from falling off. Which just so happens to be someone's neck.

"Ah! She's awake!"


Lifting your head back a bit, the first thing you saw was the back of a classic white shirt. Trailing your gaze higher up, your vision was met with black hair slicked back, probably with hair gel. It was only upon looking down that you realized you were being carried; piggyback style.

"Are you alright?"

A voice came from your right, prompting you to turn your head. The one asking has plum colored hair, styled into an effortless pompadour with hair clips holding it up on the sides. There were far more things that you should be wondering about, but you couldn't stop your mind from fixating on one question. Was that his natural hair color? If you remember correctly, his future self had the same shade of purple hair even when shaved down to the tips.


Ah, you forgot you were being asked a question.

"Oh, um, yes... Thank you for asking."

That was one way to sound awkward. You mentally chastised yourself. But your social inadequacy was long forgotten when another voice joined in, this one more familiar.

"We met yesterday, right? At the park!" Takemichi jumped in, tufts of blond hair messed up just like the night you first met.

"Yeah, what a coincidence..." You gave an uneasy smile. What you wouldn't give to just blame the entire thing on coincidence. Giving advice to the main character of the story, being in the same school and even same class as the female lead, and watching with your very own eyes the monumental meeting that kickstarted the entire plot. You really can't just call it a coincidence anymore, can you?

He didn't seem to notice your worry, for better or worse.

"Oh man, I didn't know you were going to the same school as us!"


"Those are the uniforms for Mizo Middle School, right? Hina- my girlfriend wears it."

Oh. You almost chuckled at the fact that the only reason he recognized your uniform was because Hinata wore it, and not because the other 99% of the girls at his school wore the same thing. How sweet.

You hummed in acknowledgment, "Hmm, I guess so. I just transferred today."

There wasn't any real reason for you to share that extra tidbit about yourself, but you found yourself doing it anyway. No wonder Takemichi was the main character of the story, it's hard not to like him. Platonically.

"That's cool."

"Mhm... I'm..." Should you open up more? You kinda wanted to, but at the same time not really. Take it as an act of rebellion, if you will, against the universe that shoved you into holes it carved out from the original plot.

"Oh right! I'm Takemichi Hanagaki." He was smiling through the bruises that littered his face. It reminds you of Hinata's smile when she extended her welcomes to you. They were different smiles, of course, but similar in the warmth it exudes. You smiled back. They really were two peas in a pod, a perfect match.

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